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أثمنة Nokia 6650

  4096 الألوان
  بطارية ليثيوم آيون بقوة 950 مللي أمبير في الساعة قابلة للإزالة (BLC-2)

Nokia 6650

:فيديوهات ذات صلة من خدمة يوتيوب
Nokia 6650 is a mobile phone developed by Nokia. It was the company's first 3G phone, first leaked in June 2002 and eventually ...
Nokia 6650 Rare!
The Nokia 6650 is a S60 (3red Edition, Feature Pack 2) phone from Nokia that is exclusive to the T-Mobile network.
Nokia 6650 Quick Review
evolution of nokia phones جميع هواتف نوكيا In 1987, Nokia introduced one of the world's first handheld phones, the Mobira ...
evolution of nokia phones جميع هواتف نوكيا
Yes this is a SmartPhone Its small lightweight and its got a great design. This phone is great for any business or regular person ...
Nokia 6650 SmartPhone Review

أسعار Nokia 6650

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