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أثمنة VIVO Xshot

  2600 مللي أمبير ، غير قابلة للإزالة

VIVO Xshot

:فيديوهات ذات صلة من خدمة يوتيوب
The Vivo Xshot is a snapdragon 801 quad core powered handset with 4G support. It sports a 5.2 inch screen with FHD resolution ...
Vivo Xshot review, benchmark and gaming
http://www.gizchina.com Hand on review and unboxing vdeo of the Vivo Xshot Ultimate edition. This version of the Vivo Xshot ...
Vivo Xshot hands on review - GizChina.com
A 5.2" 1080p display, metal and polycarbonate build and 4K video - this is the Vivo Xshot. For more on the check out ...
Vivo Xshot hands-on
Please watch: "Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Review - All Hail To The New King!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSV1axK1oQI ...
The Best Smartphone You've Never Heard Of - vivo Xshot Review

أسعار VIVO Xshot

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