مقارنة Apple iPad Air (2020) مع Apple iPad Air (2022)

Apple iPad Air (2020)
Apple iPad Air (2022)
  Apple iPad Air (2020) Apple iPad Air (2022)
المغرب Flag
السعر في المغرب: 5800 درهم
مصر Flag
السعر في مصر: 30370 جنيه
المملكة العربية السعودية Flag
السعر في المملكة العربية السعودية: 2250 ريال
الأردن Flag
السعر في الأردن: 420 دينار
الإمارات العربية المتحدة Flag
السعر في الإمارات العربية المتحدة: 2200 درهم
الجزائر Flag
السعر في الجزائر: 79920 دينار
المغرب Flag
السعر في المغرب: 5800 درهم
مصر Flag
السعر في مصر: 30370 جنيه
المملكة العربية السعودية Flag
السعر في المملكة العربية السعودية: 2250 ريال
الأردن Flag
السعر في الأردن: 420 دينار
الإمارات العربية المتحدة Flag
السعر في الإمارات العربية المتحدة: 2200 درهم
الجزائر Flag
السعر في الجزائر: 79920 دينار

مقارنة تقييم أنتوتو

أبل iPad Air (2020) 1214287
أبل iPad Air (2022) 1739578

الفائز: أبل iPad Air (2022)

فيديو Apple iPad Air (2020) فيديو Apple iPad Air (2022)
تعليقات فيديو Apple iPad Air (2020) تعليقات فيديو Apple iPad Air (2022)
ربي يسعدك فيصل مستحيل اشتري جهاز قبل اشوف مراجعاتك ومقرناتك 🩵
يستاهل الـشراء أم لا ؟
فيصل الـسيف لو سمحت اعمل مقارنه بين ايباد اير 4 وايباد الـجيل الـعاشر
ايش أفضل قلم بديل لقلم أبل
الـجيل الـثاني و يكون يشتغل
على ال اير ٤ ⁉️⁉️⁉️
هل يدعم الـشريحة الإلكترونية ؟
اشكرك على الـمراجعة ماقصرت ، افضل شي سويته بالـمقطع الـمقارنة بالاخير وبينت اي الانواع افضل من الـثاني لان فعلاً هذا الـشي الـلي محتار فيه ♥️
متابع رقم ١⁦♥️⁩🌹⁦♥️⁩
متابع رقم ١🤗🌹
الايباد كيف للتداول ؟ على الـتريدينق فيو
ودي اخذو. بس خايفه لان كل استخداماتي اوفيس اكسل وكذا معرف محتاره ربي يرزقني قريب
هــذآ آيباد إير 4 أو إير 5
يدعم ٩٠ فريم ف ببجي او لا .🌚😂😂😂
ادعولي اشتريه 💔
الـحمد لله تم شراء الـجهاز بعد الـدعاء إلى الـله والـله يسره لي. والـله ييسره لكم ويرزقكم من واسع فضله
ايباد جميل جدا واتمنى الـله يرزقكم بايباد جديد
شكد الـسعر
اقدر افتح برنامجين
الـمعالـج حق ايفون 12 او ايفون 13 ؟؟؟
ربي يسعدك شكرا
هل الـقلم و الـكيبورد يجي مع ايباد اير او انا اشتريه
كم حسابه
بعد الـحيره
بعد الـتجربه بسم الـله ماشاء الـله لاقوة إلا بالـله الـلهم بارك
افضل تاب وقيمه مقابل سعر وشاشه ومعالـج افضل
وافضل من الايباد برو ويغني عن الـلاب توب هو Samsung Tab s7 plus
الـله ينشحن بساعتين ونص ي ساتر
شفت الـتعليق ؟ ،ارجوك كرر معي سبحان الـله الـحمدلله لا الـه إلا الـله الـله أكبر سبحان الـله وبحمده سبحان الـله الـعظيم لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالـله ، انسخ هذي الـرسالـة وكل ما تمر ع تعليقات لا تنسَ تنشر صدقة جارية لك ولوالـديك ♥️
يا ليت واحد يسوي موقع يوفر أسئلة ... ومن خلال الإجابة عليها يتم اقتراح أجهزة معينة.
ابغى الـسعر
هل الايباد بيساعدني لدراسه وانا اولى ثانوي نظام مسارات ولا اخذ لابتوب ؟ ساعدوني تكفون
ايه أفضل الاقلام الـمتاحة وتعيش بدون تقصير فترة كبيرة من الـزمن إذا ما تحتاج حساسية الـضغط وغيرها من مميزات قلم أبل؟؟
حد نظر
هل ايباد اير له قابلية اني احط الـقلم فوقه ؟
من وين الـكيبورد
مَن مرّ قدرا فليُصلِّ علىٰ الـنبيٰ ﷺ
ايمك لك عليه
من فين اشتريته
الـقلم الـلي يصلح على الايباد air 4
ومن فين خت الـكيبورد(لوحه الـمفاتيح )
وين أفضل مكان أشراه في سلطنة عمان؟؟ سواء اونلاين أو محل.
انا اشتريت اير لان اقدر احدث الـمعالـج هل يقعد معاي لسنين قدام؟
ادعولي اجمع فلوس عشان اشتري
هل نسخه ال اي تي يمكن تنزيل عليها برامج الـتواصل مثل بوتيوم والـوتساب
الـبطاريه ماتقعد معي 5 ساعات هل فيه مشكله ؟؟ 🥲 توه جديد + استخدم له شاحن 20w
اخ فيصل هل الايباد اير ٢٠٢٠ يدعم. معدل اطار ١٢٠؟؟
يعطيك الـعافيه ي ريت تتسوي مقارنه بينه وبين ايباد ميني٢٠٢١
سلام عليكم اسمع ايباد اخوي انكبت عليه كوفي و انا رحت غسلته فا دخلت الـمويه فيہ الـكاميره كيف اطلعها😭😭😭😭ماكنت ادري انه مو ضد الـمويه.
وين الاقي مدخل الـسماعه في هالايباد؟
هاذا الايباد بكم اخر شي
من فين ممكن اشتريه ؟؟
اخوي فيصل تجيبلي واحد هديه 😂😭
يركب عليه شريحة اتصال هذا؟؟
يعني اقدر احط فيه شريحه؟
انصدمت ان مافيه منفذ للسماعات سلبيه كبيره مررره!
الـجهاز بطل بصراحه لكن يعيبه الـبطارية ما تكمل معك الـيوم
شكد سعره بل عراقي
إذا اشترتا يجي معا ال كيبورد وقلم
هل يدعم ٩٠ فريم للببجي
وش الـفرق بين نسخة الـواي فاي ونسخة LTE؟؟
شكلي وعم احضر فيديوهات وكأني رح اشتري🤡💔
امس شريته
ابي اسألك..ايش الـفرق بين الـنسخة الـعالـمية ونسخة الـشرق الـأوسط؟؟
هل يوجد مدخل شريحة ؟
ما فهمت نسخة الـواي فاي
من وين شتريت الايباد لاني ابي الايباد ومعي سعره من وين بلززز رد
عندي الايباد قولوا ما شاء الـله والـله يرزق الـجميع والـصراحة تجربته مرة رائعة وهو نسخة عن ايباد برو
اتمنى الـرد هو ٩٠ فريم ولالا ؟
انا شريته من جرير مع الـقلم ابل الـجيل الـثاني والـحافظة وشاشة الـحماية كلفني حدود ٣٨٠٠
لو اشتري ماجيك كيبورد يكفيني عن الـلابتوب ؟
ودي بواحد مثله🥺
بارك الـله فيك اخوي ما قصرت
أدعولي أشتريه والـله فخاطري 😭😭😭
يارب يرزقني زيه وكل من قال امين
يا جماعه كم سعر الـلي لونه اسود في الـسعوديه ؟
شكرا الـله يسعدك ❤❤
هل يدعم الـشحن الـلاسلكي؟
ماشاء الـله تبارك الـله معلوماتك جداا جداا رائعه تصوير والـعملات لكل بلد وابداااععع حقيقي مرهه شكرااااا💞💞
أنا بستخدمه للصور والـمقاطع و سناب تيك توك يوتيوب وبعض الـألعاب 64 قيقا كويسه؟؟
لو ماعليك امر بكم سعرها بل كويتي
يعني الـحين هو فيه Face id؟ والافضل الـبصمة !
يدعم 5gولا لا ؟
طيب عندي سؤال بليز اي احد يعرف اجابته يقول لي.. لو مثلا انا اشتريت ايباد اير و ابغا لوحت مفاتيح عادي اشتري يكون حق ايباد برو هل يزبط مع حقي والاا
انشاءالـله ارجع للفيد وانا اشوفه من الايباد يارببب 😭😭
بفعل 90فريم
لو سمحت اخوي هو بكم
ايش افضل ايباد من ناحية الـتصفح ومشاهدة الـممسلسلات ؟
لو سمحت اخوي هو بكم
اسطورة الاساطير
ينفع اشتريه للدرسه جامعه 64 غيغا ؟
انا اشتريتو الـيوم جهاز مره قوووي وبالـنسبة لببجي خرافي
أفضل آيباد للجامعة 👍🏼
Please send me an iPad please help iPad send me please help ne
صراحه بنفسي مرررره اشتريه بس امكانيتي ما اقدر 💔 صراحه كنت اشوف الـناس و الاطفال عندهم نفسه و غيره ايفون بس انا بس عادي الـحمدلله 🦋♡
شكراً لك اقتنعت اني اشتري ايباد اير بدال ايباد برو الاني ماراح احتاجوا في الـعمل كثير بس في الـدراسة شوي واتفرج افلام ومسلسلات ادعولي اشتري الـعيد الـجاي 💓💓
معايا قلم الـجيل الـثالـث يشتغل عليه ولا لا
بكم الايباد 🙂🙃
الـله يسعدك
الـله يرزقناااااا💔💔💔💔
شفته بجرير ٦٤ جيجا سعره 2799
وبرضو نفسه ٦٤ جيجا سعره 3399
وش الـفرق؟ بما انه نفس الـسعه
سبحان الـله وبحمده سبحان الـله الـعظيم
الـلهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين 🌱
I'm sad I can't get the 5th Gen in that beautiful green. My son broke his iPad so I had to give him my green 4th Gen. 😞
120fps difference
I’ll wait until a mini pro with pro motion 😂
I just ordered mine.. I was gonna get my ex one if he manned up finally.. and give him my old phone lines upgrade..for a new iPhone..
And really upgrade his stuff because he never gets himself anything nice.. and I was gonna let
Him use my Credit.. because he does always pay his bills and that sort of thing.. and then after six months in his birthday I was gonna get him a badass Apple Watch.. because he loves nice watches.. I was gonna do this for him because he always lets me drive his cars and stuff.. so I wanted to pay him back with similar Kindness..like majorly upgrade his tech game. Because all those products are worth at least 2-3k.. because the great thing about Apple.. you only have to upgrade every five years or so.. their products last forever.. like I really wanted to spoil him in a material way because he’s never been spoiled that way much.. I was gonna wait and see how he behaved.. it’s not going well.. I was gonna surprise him.. because he’s always freaked out about where I am.. and if we both have Apple phones and logged into my account.. he can just track me anywhere he wants.. because I don’t care I’m not hiding anything except secret target trips.. it’s a Cuban thing.. they’re ate alive in weird paranoia. The men are.. it’s some cultural thing.. I was also gonna have him on my gym membership.. because I’ve been focusing on working out for a while now.. like I’ve been hyper focused on self care for the last six months.. I thought we could work out together.. guess he hasn’t changed.. because I feel like totally different person.. except for the fact I’ll always chew his ass out for hours.. I thought some quality time and a little bit of spoiling for both of us might help..
I’m over trying to figure that man out.. cause he has always been super generous with his toys..
But I was waiting to see.. before I extend my personal credit out.. because that’s a lot of money.. I just scored my iPad.. and they’re better than a laptop.. and he has serious work that he needs that level of processor and computer.. just like myself with my work.. my only stipulation was I stay home for a while while I study for my law tests.. and take a major break.. and he takes care of the bills for a while.. because my monthly bills after rent are about 300 extra.. which is nothing.. I work in collections law so I keep my bills down to a minimum.. he saw me work legally yesterday and it was really weird.. and I kicked his and his lawyers ass.. long story short.. I guess we shall see how his situation works out.. I feel so stupid.. I was thinking he was ready to lay arms down.. I was really getting ready to spoil the shit out of him.. because he’s really Never had anything.. I guess I just wanted him to feel like he was finally a with it Cuban American.. that seems to be really important to him.. anyways.. I work in law.. and I’m super excited to have this iPad for all of my legal work.. and just my personal work.. which by the way he just found out that I work in very high powered law.. he’s just now realizing after almost two years that I work in theoretical collections and bankruptcy litigation.. I’ll bet he’s a little upset.. he’s just now realizing I’m one of the top earning collectors in the nation.. and I litigate for major banks.. I’ll update everybody to let you all know if he achieved his iPad.. I wanted so badly to do that for him because he’s always so nice about his cars and stuff.. because I have to junk my two cars..and buy a new one..
I just wanted to be solid.. wish me luck in our nuclear level fighting.. we are going at it.. we’re going at it worse than I did with my ex husband in my divorce.. I mean I am broken fucking hearted and I am ripping him apart..
The M1 literally just bumped me up from the cheaper 10th gen or Mini 6 so I guess it worked there.
Pro motion & Face ID are the 2 biggest things for the Pro that make a difference
I bought it in india and it has some manufacturing issue like my leakage of light and i came to know many people face the same problem and i would never accept it from a brand like samsung or apple
Marques sir i would like if you could make a video on this i can send you videos or pics of issue and my device warranty like you can see there when i bought it
As someone considering what I can make the most out of based on my budget, this is the most helpful review, out of all, for me.
Yeah I hardly have any apps installed yet half my storage is used on the 64 gig model. If you start going beyond that performance tanks! Defo go with the iPad Pro or refurbished pro. 128 gigs minimum
This iPad is literally an amazing buy its less then 500 dollars a lot of times because it’s been out for a while,
watching this video in 2024, when i decided to buy 13 inch Ipad pro with priority being academic work, previously i have been using base line ipad 2019 for note taking from last 4 years, its still working as good as new but memory is just 32 gb, but now i heard the rumors of 13 inch Ipad air, after watching this video i will now wait for next apple event.
Just got an air for $450. Feeling pretty good about myself
If the ipad pro had touch ID instead of Face ID, I'd probably get it over the Air.
if apple was watching this, they would probably say something like: ITS NOT 11 INCHES ITS ONLY 10.9! (which are both practically the same thing!)
I still use it for working on procreate i think its quite underrated i pay my bills with this stuff
Good video-p
Honestly since the air refresh in 2020, it’s really become the easiest ipad to recommend. There’s still just not enough of a bottleneck for most users to even need this upgrade to m1. Sure if you’re a visual artist or a professional trying to ditch your laptop, the pro could for sure be a worthwhile upgrade. If you use an ipad like the average user, the A14 Bionic will feel great for quite a while longer.
How many hrtz
What racing game was that.
Nice vid. Whats the graphs on his shirt?
Why did you just upsell me when I was originally gonna get an iPad Mini and now here I am thinking about the Pro 😂😂😂
An m1 chip in ipad mini size tab is the best gaming machine😅
Apple is a big joke.
Watching this video on the iPad Air (64gb) purple. Perfect iPad for someone who travels a lot with work and really just needs it for emails and watching Netflix / YouTube etc….
I an hoping that as well as higher storage options I am hoping the iPad Pro follows the iPad with the landscape selfie camera
With this 64 and 256 storage options after seeing the price difference I completely ignored the apple and gone for samsung tab😂
😮can I get one
Crazy it’s more expensive now that a year ago
Lots of repeating and unclear review
Looks like a wow
599 USD with 60Hz Display.. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
What’s the best iPad I should buy on 2023 , for business/studying ?
At current moment, which one is better to buy IPad air or pro? Or wait till new model?
He talks about the ladder but he is now part of that ladder lol
I got an m1 pro, just 3 weeks before th m1 air launch, do i regret my decision? No, i love my ipad pro i use it as my main ipad, even after the m2 ipad release
What do u guys think? Should I go pro 128gb or air 256gb?
The reason why Apple doesn't give big storage in the device is to buy storage.

bullshit things ever. M1 ship faster fuking everything with less device storage.
the 128gb pro is better to have than the 256gb air because it's $50 more and you get ProMotion, a flash, higher refresh rate, and a m2 chip......better to pay for those things than 128gb extra local storage when you can always utilize cloud storage or usb storage since 128gb is plenty to have on the device ......
Not the same port. ✌️The air can not be connected to a Thunderbolt or studio display. That sucks
I buy an iPad for drawing in procreate and the bigger screen of the pro is just so much nicer for that. The new hover feature of the pro is also said to be a game changer for digital art.
What’s the title of the racing game you’re playing there
Is it enough to get a 64GB iPad Air for a college student who studies finance and plans to use iPad for notes taking only?
Help me choose. Planning to buy second hand Ipad (both have warranty stil til June 2024). Air 5 256 or Ipad Pro 12.9 M1 256. Both same price.
Cool Like Effect
Will there be any inconvenience for me, while taking notes given that the refresh rate is not as high as the iPad Pro? Find you, I don’t draw and I don’t like to draw, so I am talking about simply writing Christmas list and grocery lists and maybe a diagram here and there. And I write cursive only because I’m 46 years old.
Good about iPad Air 5th Generation is: USB-C, Touch ID on the Power Button, Camera is now 12MP, Later on USB-C Version of Apple Pencil is good but 1st Generation of Apple Pencil Cost 99$, while USB-C cost 79$ they could of switch that price with USB-C to 99$ and 1st Generation of Apple Pencil cost 79$, Flashlight, The ad is good, Magic Keyboard and more.

Bad about iPad Air 6th Generation is: No Home Button And Edge to Edge instead of Square Edge.
To remove the confusion of most value ipad ( for regular users) ....

either go for the lowest end tablet which is ipad 9 64gb ...

Or go with something 128 gb which is ipad pro by apple 😏 ...

Choosing anything between either struggle with storage or waste your money on 256 gb unless you want 256gb.
ipad air display nit ???
Just got it on sale for just €535
great review!!!!!
What was the car game he was playing !!
After owning the Air5 for a year, I’m going back to the standard iPad next time around. The Air has worse battery life and no significant advantages over the Standard IPad. Now that the Standards have USB-C, that seals the deal.
Whats the point here, do u want apple to remove features to make people spend more money???
I've been looking to get an iPad in the past few weeks, and I started thinking about the mini but decided I wanted something bigger, so thought I'd go for the aid, but 64gb is not enough. Based on this video, now that the M2 iPad Pro is out, I'm gonna grab a refurbished M1 iPad Pro and it's cheaper than the air!
I climbed the ladder from ipad 9th gen, to air 5th gen😅
Can you send me a iPad and I’m gonna scribe to you
Awesome video as always, enjoyed watching you palm an iPad 😂😂😂😂 @bigmits
can i use with external display ? for replacement of my laptop
Does anyone know the name of the intro song??
Love the behavioral science intro; adds a lot of depth to the video!
Thank you for providing your insights. I find them very helpful when considering Apple purchases.
In India the pro costs $360 more than Air , not $50. So, it's far better choice to go with Air!!
can i have that ipad i am need of one
Hi MKBHD !! I m in the market for an iPad….I want to buy the iPad Air 5th gen !!
I wanted to know whether , Apple will release the new iPad Air 6th Gen in 2023 ????
Came here just for a review and ended up subscribing. This guy is captivating
I’m glad I got the iPad Air 5th generation. I have had the IPad Air 3 for almost 5 years and have only used only a little over half of the 64G. I’m not a gamer or an artist so this works perfect for me. Plus I got a promotion that gave me $279 off. Works for me! Thanks for a great review!
I want to buy iPad just for my college studies and notes and reading books. Which one should I buy. I am on budget
“I’ll link that below the like button” is so smooth 🤌🏼😅
I've sorta noticed what Apple were doing long ago and just opted completely out of that cycle... its a vicious one. they are pros at making you feel like you need all those things you don't, and once you're in there web its hard to get out. suddenly its upgrading every other year and buying every "necessary" accessory, some of which cost as much as older model ipads...
I plan on buying an Apple product for the first time, strictly because I cannot deny that procreate gives one of the ultimate digital experiences for artists, which I am lol. but I won't be buying from Apple. I'll be looking for a second hand, just as fine Ipad for a much lower price. I'll just be scouring the web for a good price, instead of going up and down the price ladder
only if 64gb is enough get this or get the pro
Excellent. This really helps. Thank you.
I'm super stoked I was able to buy the 11" M1 iPad Pro w/ 1TB of storage for $829.99 at Woot! this morning... And that deal also included a $79 Apple iPad Smart Folio Cover for free too! I was strongly considering going with the iPad Air as it can be had as low as $699 w/ Apple Edu pricing, or at most other retailers at this point, for 256GB of storage and it too also has the M1 (which is way overkill for what I need anyhow). Factoring in the Magic Folio, that I was going to buy anyway lol, it only cost me $50 and a few extra days shipping time to get a far nicer iPad Pro that has double the RAM (16GB RAM in 1&2TB models) and quadruple the storage (1TB in the Pro vs. 256GB in the M1 Air)! It's new also, so I will definitely be adding the AppleCare+ to it once it arrives! Awesome deal for anyone who may be looking for it!!

I'm gonna pack that 1TB with ~200 or so iTunes movies and ALL the YouTube downloads I can fit on it! I'm buying this guy for air travel and working on a cargo ship out to sea (where we only have dialup speed internet and text-based email access lol). This is gonna be perfect!
I recently purchased the iPad Air 5th generation, and overall, I'm quite pleased with it, giving it 4 stars. This tablet offers a fantastic blend of performance, portability, and display quality. Its M1 chip ensures smooth multitasking and handles demanding tasks effortlessly. The Liquid Retina display is vivid and crisp, making content consumption a joy.

However, I must mention that the absence of Face ID for unlocking is a bit disappointing, especially in an era where biometric security is becoming the norm. While Touch ID is reliable, Face ID would have been a welcomed addition. Despite this drawback, I still recommend the iPad Air 5th gen to potential buyers who prioritize performance and a great display over facial recognition. It's a versatile device suitable for both work and entertainment, and I believe it offers good value for the price.
I really like these, especially for the current price of $400 for the 64gb model (the pen and keyboard are going to bump that price up significantly). Unfortunately I think I'm stuck with the actual laptop. Despite the much higher price and lack of pen, the MacBook Air is just more versatile for my personal needs. Most importantly, my current MBP is 12 years old (!) - but still my daily driver - and this is the first year where I've been worried about it's age becoming a serious issue. IPads are lucky to last half that span as far as software and security are concerned, and then factor in battery longevity as well. So for 2-3x the money you're getting something that lasts 2-3x as long.
Which one has the hole for the old fashioned earphones
Just got the 256GB model for $599.99.
Thanking about the pro after watching this I want something fast and snappy
I’ve been in between getting a MacBook or an iPad Air for a while but, the decider point for me was the price of accessories for the iPad, I’d like to be able to use the iPad as a “mini laptop” at times, and I’m going over the price of a M1 MacBook by about $150
150$ to get a pro at the same size it is best deal to have the pro
4:45 what is bro doing with his hands
I just purchased the 11” M1, it replaces my old 2018 Pro 11 and is much nicer to use. I tried the 12.9 but it just isn’t portable and wouldn’t get used enough to justify the additional cost.
I do not understand this insanity of people for buying apple products. There are better and cheaper alternatives and still people who already own a, lets say, ipad M1 will spend a salary to buy an ipad M2 in the next year.
I've never used a iPad cuz I'm in poor country called Burma in Asia. please let me know if u sell used iPad with lower price can I get it.Thank for uploading knowledge.
I know this is an old video, but I want to say something about iPad Pro vs Air. And that is notetaking. Both of them support Apple Pencil, but since the Pro has a 120 Hz display, it is so much better for note taking than the Air can be.

I have first hand experience with this, since I used to daily a Microsoft Surface Go. Now, Surface vs iPad is a different conversation, but the Surface Pen vs Apple Pencil, I have to give it to the Surface. It is so much nicer in feeling than the hard feeling that the iPad has.

But what is much much better on iPad Pro than the Surface is the fact that the screen itself is so much nicer. The iPad has a higher pixel density, which really helps as tiny details on the pencil’s stroke as much better captured. And also the higher refresh rate is insanely better when it comes to the responsiveness of whatever you are writing showing up in the screen. It may sound like a nitpick, but there is a real tangible difference there.

So the iPad Air has a lower screen resolution than the Pro, and a lower refresh rate. If you are looking at these devices for note taking with a stylus, I would always go with the high refresh rate, higher pixel density option.

If note taking is not even a consideration for you, then go with whichever you want.
Bought the air just to write notes for class 😂
The 120hz argument is a little tough for me to accept. Having used both, sometimes I feel the ltpo display argument should only be reserved for more efficient battery performance. The feel of a 60hz isn’t “slow”. It takes the same amount of time to do all the same tasks on both refresh rates. Youtubers have run this narrative a bit too much that 60hz feels “slower”
I go the iPad Air 5 64 GB for $550 and a free gen 2 Apple Pencil at a campus promotion. I'm happy with that.
as a student the 64 gb option does me just fine, i only use mine for note taking and watching videos at home.
Comparing normal ipad with pro is totally mindless
how do you choose the books to read
My first iPad is an iPad air 5. Love it, btw.
I love my Air 4 but I hate the battery. I’ve had it for two and a half years and it’s already at 76% battery health. Meanwhile I have a friend who has had a Pro for three years and it’s at 87%.
Can anyone gift me a ipad ...even the basic ones is fine
Ipad pro comes with M2 chip
The iPad Air goes on sale for 699 sometimes and I missed it last time it was on sale but once it goes back on sale for 699, I’m getting it quick fast and in a hurry.
I love my iPad Air, its wonderful but the biggest thing I dislike (well two lol) are the speakers and display when compared to the pro but honestly for the price, the air is worth it
Apple iPad Air (2020) Apple iPad Air (2022)
تكنولوجيا الشبكة GSM / HSPA / LTE
بدن الجهاز
الوزن 458 g (Wi-Fi) / 460 g (3G/LTE) (1.01 lb)
461 g (Wi-Fi) / 462 g (5G) (1.02 lb)
مواد الصنع واجهة زجاجية ، ظهر ألومنيوم ، إطار من الألومنيوم
واجهة زجاجية ، ظهر ألومنيوم ، إطار من الألومنيوم
نوع الشاشة السائل الشبكية IPS LCD
500 شمعة
السائل الشبكية IPS LCD
500 شمعة
حجم الشاشة 10.9 بوصة ، 359.2 سم مربع (~ 81.3٪)
10.9 بوصة ، 359.2 سم مربع (~ 81.3٪)
دقة الشاشة 1640 × 2360 بكسل (~ 264 نقطة في البوصة )
1640 × 2360 بكسل (~ 264 نقطة في البوصة )
النظام الأساسي
نوع الشريحة أبل A14 بيونيك (5 نانومتر)
أبل M1
فتحة بطاقة الذاكرة لا
الذاكرة الداخلية ٦٤ جيجابايت - ٤ جيجابايت رام، ٢٥٦ جيجابايت ٤ جيجابايت رام
64 جيجا بايت ، 256 جيجا بايت 8 جيجا رام
الكاميرات الرئيسية
الكاميرات الخلفية كاميرا خلفية أحادية
12 ميجابكسل ، (عريضة) ، 1/3 "، 1.22 ميكرومتر ، ثنائي البكسل PDAF

كاميرا خلفية أحادية
12 ميجابكسل ، (عريضة) ، 1/3 "، 1.22 ميكرومتر ، ثنائي البكسل PDAF

فيديو الكاميرات الرئيسية 4K بسرعة 24/30/60 إطارا في الثانية ، 1080p بسرعة 30/60/120/240 إطارا في الثانية ؛ الدوران-EIS
4K بسرعة 24/25/30/60 إطارا في الثانية ، 1080p بسرعة 25/30/60/120/240 إطارا في الثانية ؛ الدوران-EIS
الكاميرات الأمامية
الكاميرات الأمامية كاميرا سلفي أحادية
7 ميجابكسل ، 31 ملم (قياسي)

كاميرا سلفي أحادية
12 ميجابكسل ، 122 درجة (فائقة الاتساع)

تقنيات الإتصال
NFC لا
أجهزة الاستشعار بصمة الإصبع (مثبتة في الأعلى)
بصمة الإصبع (مثبتة في الأعلى)
نوع البطارية ليثيوم أيون 7606 مللي أمبير (28.93 واط) ، غير قابلة للإزالة
ليثيوم أيون (28.6 واط) ، غير قابلة للإزالة