فيديو Apple iPhone 12 Pro | فيديو Xiaomi Mix Flip |
تعليقات فيديو Apple iPhone 12 Pro | تعليقات فيديو Xiaomi Mix Flip |
@user_f5hc8qj6id حلقات مميزه بس ياريت تحذف الـموسيقى لانها حرام وشكرا✅ الـسلام عليكم انا متحير بين ايفون برو 12 وبين 13 ميني واطلب نصيحتك الـثاقبة مع الـتقدير شكد سعره هسه بعد ٩ اشهر من نشره انا ضحكت ع 5G😅😅 عشت أ سالـم ي جماعه انا معي ٣٠٠٠ وش تنصحوني اخذ ايفون ١١ برو ولا ١٢ برو خاطري بي ١٢ بس لازم أزيد الـف و ٦٩٩ ريال و اشتري شاحن بس الـجوال يستاهل صرحة جهاز رهيب وسريع ماكو شي اسمه معالـج الـتصوير هو نفسه معالـج الـجهاز يعمل ع تحسين الـكامره 😒😏 مرحبا اتمنى ترد عليه اشتريت ايفون برو ١٢ لون ازرق لكن هناك مشكله دائما ارى خدوش على الـستيل مع الـعلم انا استخدم كفر حمايه من اول يوم لكن ارى خدوش صغيره على الـستيل اتمنى تعمل فيديو او ترد عليه بطاريه ايفون ١٢ برو ضعيفه جدا وتنفذ بسرعه كبيره اضعف من الايفون برو اخوى سالـم عندي ايفون8 بس نسينا رقم الايكلاود والـحين الـتلفون ما يفتح والـفاتورة ضايعه وش الـحل نرمي الـتلفون ولا عندك حل حسب استخدامك ايهم أفضل 12 برو او برو ماكس ؟ انا اشوف ننطر ايفون 13 افضل لان راح يجي بشاشه تردد 120 هيرتز وبشاشه شبه كامله هاذي غير الـتغيرات الـتقنيه مبدع سالـم كالـعاده وبالـتوفيق♥️. مرحبا اني مستخدم اندرويد وحابب اغير على ايفون لان صراحة مليت الاندرويد حبيت اخذ رأيك ارجو الـرد متابعك من الـعراق تحياتي يا مبدع طيب لو سمحت ممكن تخبرنا متى ينزل ف سلطنة عمان ؟ لانه لمه رحت ايماكس قالـوا بعده مانازل هل الايفون برو ماكس فيه لون ازرق؟ ارجو الـرد هلو سؤال هل الـe-sim للجهاز الامريكي يعمل علىه اي e-sim (غير امريكي) ؟ اكيد افضل تلفون غير داعمتك الـشركه انته وين لكيت هاي الـكلاوات اخي شنو فرقه عن الــ١١ غير الـحواف بس انتم مشايفين وتردون بس عدد مشاهدات متي ينزل ايفون الـسلام عليكم لو سمحت مين افضل ايفون 12 مني ولا ايفون 11برو أوسخ ناس متعصبين الاندوريد ليش لاذم نبدل الـبطارية للايفون 12 برو .. ؟؟ الـلي عندو جواب يجاوب ولكم جزيل الـشكر ♡ اسمهة استخدم مو اصتخدم بيض الـله وجهك ❤️ مساء الـخير اخوي ،، يعطيك الـعافيه ممكن تساعدنا بموضوع برنامج Totok وطريقة تحميله . سألتك عن الـخسفة الـصغيرة بالـجانب ولم تجب يا اخي مرحبا اني اشتريت ايفون مكتوب على الـعلبه مالـته هذه الـنسخه تجربيه ليس للبيع ف ممكن تشرحلي شنو الـفرق يعني هسه اني انصب عليه لو عادي مافي فرق بصراحة شكل تصميم ايفون12 الـجديد اراه افضل تصميم هاتف على الاطلاق شكله مكمول والـمسكلة والـرئية افضل من الـجيل الـسابقين افضل قناة تطبيل للايفون في عالـم الـيوتيوب... الـله يوفقك ، استمر 🤍🤍✔ اخ سالـم بارك الـله لك في الـجهاز .. سؤال بحال كان الـجهاز امريكي هل الـ5 جي الـعادي (سب 6) شغال طبيعي عندك اقثد يعطيك اشارة 5 جي فوق عندك ؟؟ استمر يا غالـي مبدع ايفون ١٢ برو ممتاز لكن للاسف غير متوفر حالـيا الا فالـسوق الـسوداء بأسعار مبالـغ فيها طيب لو عندي ايفون xr تنصحني فيه؟ Salam brozzers terrorists! Boomm)) كل عام تقولون نفس الـكلام. افضل جهاز وافضل تقنية وسابق جيلة. كلامكم فاضي ولا صرت اصدقكم كيف اشوف الـفيدو الـي تكلمت عنه ف الـبدايه انا عندي Why am I getting the error 'Oops, something went wrong' for Channel Monetization Step 1? how to fix this problem please help me. شكرا لي الـجوال من الـخلف مو مطفي هل يوجد موعد ثاني للطلبق الـمسبق للبرو ١٢ ، اذا لا متى بينزل ف الـسوق ؟ ما في داعي للتطبيل، ما في يوتيوبر بيفهم الا و قال ما بيفرق عن الـي قبلو بشي. لك حتى الـتصميم ما عذبو حالـن و غيروه ليش ماحچيت على الـبطارية لو سمحت ابغى حساب نتفلكس وما اعرف كيف الـطريقه الـقديمه ما اشتغلت معي 😭😭تكفى انت باقي شوي و تعبد ايفون سلام عليكم اخي الـعزيز .. متى موعد نزول ايفون 12 برو ماكس ارجو الـرد ايفون ١١ يهزم نوت ٢٠ الـترا معالـج الايفون 6s A9 بعد ٦ سنوات استخدام مع بطارية قدرتها ٦٧٪ لحد الـحين سريييييع و ببجي و غيرها اسطورة تكلمت في احد الـفيديوهات عن محل نقدر نشتري منه الـ١٢ برو في مسقط وش اسمه ؟ فين الـبطاريه ياعم سالـم... متتكسفش الـسلام عليكم عندي سؤال شنو احسن تطبيق حق متابعة الـشحنات ! 128 جي بي قيمته 519 ريال عماني والـبطاريه. كيف وضعها الـسلام عليكم لم تتحدث عن الـبطرية فهي من أهم الـمزايا والـله انك مبدع وراقي ياسالـم الـبادي 🌹🌹، استمر👍🏻 ، متابعك من يوم كنت 50 الـف متابع من الـمستقبل اجل... و60 هيرتز وبدون شواحن والـنوتش الـقبيح لرابع سنه شكرا ع الـمصداقيه صراحه😂 تحياتي الـك استاذ سالـم وربي يوفقك ومقدرين تعبك ومجهودك بس اغلب الـمعلومات عن الايفون 12 بهذا الـفيديو حظرتك تعيده اكثر من مره صعب تيلفون يهزم الـساسمونج نوت ٢٠ الـترا💪💪💪 يا اخي انت روعه احلى تحية الـك من بغداد انا كنت كثيير احترم ارائك ولكن انت مطبل رسسسمي لابل واعتبر هذا الـكلام انك ليس بتقني وليس برجل فاهم الـتقنيه بل فاهم شركة ابل فقط مبدع💙 ماشاء الـله عليك متميز في تقديمك جدا اتمنالـك دائما الـنجاح 🤩 ⚠ ⚠ هو ده الـموبايل الـفخم الـقيم الـمحترم الـفئه الـأولي الـممتازه الـمحترمه الـرائده الـرائعه 👍 👍 👍 سلام اخي اذا اغير الـبطارية لايفون11برو رح افقد خاصية ضد الـماء والـغبار لان الـجهاز انفتح او شو ؟ وين ايفون١٢ برو ماكس ؟ أهلين أخوي سالـم ممكن توضحلنا ليش شركة أبل يرفضو الـدفع وإيش الـحل استخدمت بطاقة بنك من عندنا في عُمان. عمانيين مبدعين 🇴🇲❤️ واش قصة الـشاشة كلهم قالـة تتحمل الـسقوط ولا تنكسر لكن لاتتحمل الـخدش حتى لايمكنك وضعه في الـجيب مع الـمفاتيح استمر 🌸ඊ੭৴૭ الـسلام عليكم الـله يرحم والـدينك خير من يمثلنا في الـتقنيين 🤝✍🏼 وصف جميع توضيح بالـسلوب الـخفيف الـمختصر الـقاء اجمل ماطولت ودوختني كا مشاهد ممتاز بارك الـله فيك اتسمر والـله انك مبدع 💐👍🏼👍🏼 أبغى جوال مجانن ببلاش 😄😄 أنا منتظر أيفون12 برو ماكس الـأزرق😍💙 فديتك حبيبي تقديم وشرح وتصوير روعة هل يخصه ان اول دفعه تكون الـتلفونات تعلق وفيها خرابات ولا مجرد اشاعه + متى الـدفعه الـثانيه تحياتي يا استاذ سالـم ...اخوك من الـبرازيل وكنت منتظر مراجعتك. لك مني كل الـتحيات انا عندي ايفون 6sبلس كيف تنصحني اغير😂😂 انسان راقي ومثقف بالـتوفيق ان شاء الـله ❤️اخوك من الـعراق 🇮🇶 الـتطبيل الـزائد أجبرني على إلغاء الـمتابعة يعن ننتظر iPhone 13 تكون apple شالـت نوتش الـشاشه ولا مش اكيد هتشيله الـسلام عليكم اخوي سالـم شكرا لك عندي سوال انا عندي شاحن جداري انكر 45 واط هل راح يكون كويس لي الايفون 12 ولا لازم اخذ شاحن 20 واط وشكرا لك الايفون صعب يذكرني في جي تي ار ٦ سلندر يسحق الـفراري ١٢ سلندر والـدليل ios14 الـي ذبحنا يقول الـبطاريه الـمعالـج. خير برهان كفو الايفون 🤪🤪 اخويه آسام الـبادي ممكن تعرفنا باحسن حماية للجهاز استاذ سالـم محتاجه اتكلم معاك ضرورى عندى مشكله مع اوردر من ابل و ستاكرى ممكن تهدينا واحد من عندك يااخ ليس عندنا إمكانيات لشرائه يا رجل الـنوتش الـي على الـشاشه عامل الـتليفون شكلو قديم كتير, انا بنصحك بي اعاده حسابتك بخصوص عنوان الـفيديو, تليفون فاشل. على فكرة انا بستعمل ايفون من 8 سنين. و ايضا الـبطاريه فاشله. خليك محايد بالـرفيو تبعك و تكلم عن الـعيوب. نوتش سيئ جدا و بطاريه اسوء! شكرا. والـله ياسالـم افشل ايفون بعتبرو لأبل بسبب ميزة 90 صورة بالـثانية الـي ماقدر يقدما لجهاز هل صحيح ان من عيوبه سرعة خدش الـشاشة شفت اكثر من فيديو ع الـيوتيوب ناس يتكلموا عن انخداش الـشاشة خلال اول يوم من استخدام الايفون 12 مشكلة الـخدوش 5g 5g 5g😂😂😂😂😭😭 ليش متجيب طاري الـعيوب شغلتك تطبيل للايفون مطبل 😶 SAMSUNG 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿 #استاذ سالـم فضلا وليس أمرا ما ذكرت الـفرق بين بطارية 11 و ١٢❤️🙏 تحية إليك من الـمغرب 🇲🇦 حبي ليش كاتب الايفون 12 برو انت الـمميزات الـحكيتهن كلهن موجودات بل ايفون 12 الـعادي ليش ما كتبت (( ايفون 12 فقط ) ماتكلمت عن الـخدش الـبسيط ، من اول ساعة تنخدش الـشاشه الان انا مااشترية ايفون من قبل ابد وبدي ادخل لي عالـم الايفون هل تنصحني بي 12برو ماكس ام اقل مثل 11برو ماكس اتمني ترد عليا سالـم اشتريلي ايفون 12عالـحسابك الـخاص لان حلمي امتلك ايفون دبل سيم كارت |
Hi as you look like you have every flip phone going ,how about a camera comparison of them all as like you I use the cameras more than anything. Currently have a Samsung flip 5 and was maybe thinking of going for either the oppo n3 flip or the xiaomi flip any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks Great hardware, at a very good price, horrible software update schedules. Hi, where is the Pixel 9 review? Hello @TheMrMobile what's the theme you use for the icons on your phone 3:24 flipping the screen upside down to use the whole keyboard was definitely very cleaver. These Chinese OEM's like Oppo and Xiaomi sure are giving Samsung are run for their money. Phone makers like Samsung, Sony and Google better start stepping up because these OEM's are going past them and its only a matter of wider availability. Finally a folding phone with so much optimized software for a flip phone besides samsung and it got it so much right! hehe but why they don't put the cover screen on the other side ? That cover screen is 100% the best out of all the foldables. I'm not usually an enjoyer of Xiaomi's UI But this is the perfect middle ground between the restrictiveness of the Galaxy Z Flip and the anarchy of the Motorolla RAZR Don’t trust my data on that Derivative but solid 👍🏻 Who the hell uses ultrawide, it's trash. All phones should come with 3x Foldables are near a design plateau because despite them folding, there's really not much different from non-foldables. Im triggered on how you spell xiaomi Using a small phone that flips open into a bigger phone doesn't sound that great, but a regular smartphone that unfolds into a tablet sounds way more exciting and useful and productive. In my opinion, Foldables are future but flip phones are just childish and gimmicky. 1:55 Those animations are so smooth. Kind of silly, but one of the reasons I like the iPhone is because the animations are so good. Xiaomi keep it up! You KEEP forgetting you CAN switch to portrait mode on the razr by turning it SIDEWAYS. The big benefit of the razr is that it rotates a FULL 360 on the front screen. Please make a comparison review of Mix Flip vs Magic V Flip. Thanks! The cover screen is incredible and ingenious; how is this not the standard for most folding phones? Have you subscribed to this channel yet? First flippable that's actually compelling, IMO. The software on the cover appears to be excellent, while quite a few of the complaints from the chinese software are addressed by the Global/EU ROM. The main cam is also solid by the looks of it (RIP telephoto), those shots look roughly like what came out of last year's Xiaomi 13. Battery is like a regular smartphone as well. I think I'm okay with having last year's (or 2 years ago's) mainstream-ish high end phone experience this year if it also flips into a square and has that cool-ass front display. On the other hand, this being 2X the price in the EU ( Announced at 1300€ ) is kinda telling - they're expecting to lose money on warranty claims so needed the jack up the price. Who here thinks Xiaomi is becoming the new Huawei? Remember when Huawei would push the boundaries as far as possible for the time before the ban? I think Xiaomi is filling those shoes now that Huawei phones are unviable for most due to the lack of Google services. 3:08 oh Lord. Am I an old now? I'm old! We're old!!!!!!! 😓😭 the best cover screen experience to this point! this is what makes the flips fun. I gotta say that cover screen UI is 🔥 It has a bigger battery than the z-fold! That shows how confortable has Samsung become in the past years. I really, really hate that the US has such limited phone options. We got like, four major brands, thats about it. Two of which are dominant, that I understand. But the rest of the world has so so many more options! Come on, competition breeds innovation! This is one of those classic places where some much needed innovation has been applied in a budding tech space. Hats off to all the small stuff they put effort into, I hope at best they make a more mature product that gains some foothold, and at worst, and I mean at worst, these ideas get sniped by the larger competitors. 1day qgo I've said it before and I'll say it again. No matter how good xiaomi, oneplus, and even google phones are, whether it's slab or foldable, Samsung and Apple have nothing to worry about unless the competitors can actually match their truly global availability. Not their 'global' idea that's just a handful of countries. People in my country dont know any other phone companies other than samsung and apple, this long standing brand name carries into the future and sales This video is so beautiful, fine art museums should hang TVs for visitors and have in on loop. Damn I'm sure the camera might not be the best in low light, but those daylight photos look really "cinematic", it's better than just a filter was previously dead set on leaving the flip phone market until i saw this phone and its software formatting. despite its faults, i love the layout choices which purposefully avoid the exterior camera lenses from interfering with using phone apps. my ONLY problem still with the direction of the designs of flip phones: there's no use in buying a case anymore, and therefore are all the more prone to damaging the phone. I just wish we had a small square phone imo Nope. Not buying a chinaphone. I don't care how good it is. Even with an IP Rating, you should NEVER cool a phone with ice or similar. This is a terrible idea and can actually damage the phone. having used a z flip5 for 8 months (and it's internal screen having broken down in that period) I must say flip phones are awesome but for now I'll stick with a S23 Ultra I love your dedication to keeping an eye on out of market phones that none of us will ever get to see. It really helps to contextualize the broader smartphone market, and its content I see nowhere else. That cover screen UI is so sleek and nice! Looks like a treat to use. I wish Samsung would take notes. 👀 If this phone goes international, I definitely want this. Not gonna lie this is the first time i saw how small screen software was done on xiaomi mix flip in such detail- or maybe that well presented... And im impressed and loving it. On that part they are already winning imo. MR MOBILE bin waiting for ur review over this phone en watched many times, bin loving Huawei pocket flips, motor razer, Oppo, Vivo en Samsung flipBT u made mi change my minds for XIAOMI MIX FLIP bro, this gadget is Extremely excellent in it's class, beginners tym to wake up for more innovation technology for consumers likes ❤❤❤❤❤, bravo Xiaomi 🎉🎉🎉 Imagine. First product in a line and the same level if not much better (charging and camera) as the flip 6. Shame samsung, shame shame. Caution when comparing batteries using mAh. The proper unit to compare the amount of energy stored in each battery is Wh (that depends also on the battery's output voltage). Sadly, manufacturers tend to refer mAh on the battery capacity but Watts for battery charging power 😂 more ewaste usa can't even use, i get it.. i guess Is it only me or this phone photos actually look less sharp. Xiaomi does it the apple way 3:25 💀 Best lost reference i have seen in a while I think custom roms can get revived with these new flip phones. So much potential for tinkering. It's a good thing you can customize (almost?) anything on android phones you forget that the CCP probably has some type of spyware running in the background absorbing everything done on the phone, requiring most Chinese manufacturers to heavily manage background tasks to keep good battery life. Xiaomi fan since 2018 😊 Madlad trying to play ZZZ with the touch controls! Oooh, the front cover aspect ratio while using apps does seem compelling, the odd aspect ratio in my Razr does get annoying sometimes. I understand why manufacturers don't want to use third party keyboards there too bc i use gboard and it is kinda buggy on the cover display sometimes, but i prefer it that way. And i'm not sure i could deal with Xiaomi's software annoyances you mention too. I've borrowed an european market xiaomi phone from a friend and had the same issues with niagara, power saving, and most annoying of all, ads in random places. Interesting to see that comment with the excuse for the powersaving modes being that apps shovel ads everywhere, meanwhile Xiaomi does the literal same with its browser for example. quite an annoying user experience tbh that has turned me away from those phones even if the specs are always impressive As always. Smooth I'm so excited for the flip phone showdown! I'm seriously thinking about upgrading my s22 ultra for the razr plus That external screen, the way it works is the business. 👍 They al manufacture in China, easy to steal, sorry, i mean "share" tech with other companies Hey Mr. Mobile, The reason you are still missing some notifications is because you need to turn off the setting "mii optimizations" in developer options. It might be a different name now on HyperOS. But it is still there. Turn that off and the performance greatly increases and you dont miss notifications anymore. It's a Xiaomi thing unfortunately Half-rectangles are gonna be half-rectangles no matter how you spin it. How do you expect the design to change? It looks like Apple software! That small screen is DYNAMITE! Hey Fisher, is the Xiaomi your daily driver? That cover display is seriously impressive, honestly kinda makes Samsung seem a little lazy considering how long they've had to iterate. Gestures on 3rd party launchers don't work even on non foldable Xiaomi phones Xiaomi EU ROMs always fixed Chinese Xiaomi Devices for Me. Would be awesome to see what they can do for this Device... The next generation of flip is always exciting. Is apple the only guys out there without a flip or foldable? I guess they're just sitting back and watching how this all unfolds... no pun there 😊 Is Xiaomi going to work in the US? Flip phone for girls Fold phone for boys Candybar phone for legends Looks amazing ❤ is that a f2.4-4.7 Summilux branded lens? Ohh Leica you shillout... They need to treat these flip phone cover screens like a full experience. Like the Fold phones. The Leica filters are very cool. Im a gimmick guy and love that kind of unique flavor to a phone what would happen to Mr Mobile's heart rate if Apple AND Google release a flip in the same year.... I'll buy emm when they feel comfortable enough to ship these phones folded in the box. Whenever Michael talk about Nokias , it makes me nostalgic, i really started to follow him really hard when he did the video of Nokia lumia 1020 and the big review on the website..I was so happy someone talking about it so much at that time... This is definitely the way to go for front screens! Any chance you can review the global version of the Honor Magic V3 please. Thanks from downunder 🇦🇺😍 I'd happily get just one half of this thing 🙃 Really tired of large smartphones and the external display does practically all I need. 😂 smash game... I literally downloaded this 2 weeks ago after forgetting I had that game many many many years ago. As always, awesome review! There is no sponsor message in this video! No no no no no no no🙄🙄🙄🙄 Another company made a flip flagship with yet no "click to un-flip" button??? I mean come on, we know flip phones needs two hands to un-flip, but yet still no company wants to initiate that new era of that "click to un-flip" flagships??? which is not as new as no company made it before in the 90's where foldable was something else. 09:57 what is that watch 😮 TAME IMPALA MENTIONED I have 2 friends that switched from Samsung to a midrange xiaomi. But after few months they both want to switch back because of constant bugs, weird software and bloatware. The feature set of chinese phones stomps Samsung but I'm still hesitant to switch to their folding phones because I just hate the software. Thank you for mentioning Xiaomi blocking gesture navigation if you're using a third party launcher. It's a huge dealbreaker for me and a lot of other reviewers don't mention this. Maybe it's a well known thing already or something, but it's still baffling me that this is the case with Xiaomi phones. Just let us use gesture nav with our choice launcher, Xiaomi! I can cope with the battery saver song and dance though. This seems like the best execution of the cover screen for a flip phone I've seen so far. A shame it's still on a whitelist basis for apps. Maybe there's going to be an app that can force it? IIRC there was an app that can force more apps to be usable on the cover screen back when Oppo's flip phone became internationally available. I love the idea of foldables although as someone that can only justify one phone every 2 or 3 years. I almost pulled the trigger on the One plus open last time but I stayed safe and got an iPhone. The risk can’t be justified for me really. I am making it a bit more fun today though; my Clicks keyboard is due to be delivered later ❤ the questions is always the same, how long does it takes before a huge creak will be in the center of the screen? some people need a bridge instead of boat for crossing sir I definitely remember the Continuum. Can't wait to install a custom rom in this 😂😂 IT WILL NEVER BEAT A 2 way Nextel Again one of the finest foldable review. Always enjoy watching your review videos. I just wish the large size foldables go on discount and we can get a hold of them on a reasonable price. Until then we will enjoy watching your review videos. All the very best Mr.Mobile🎉 Xiaomi choosing to support Russian war efforts in Ukraine makes any of their products a non starter. Cpt.Molpio on dreds.. What will the battery health be after charging at those speeds over the years? No surprise on the camera lens choice, both chinese companies competing after all. I really wanna know your long term review on these phones. Wasn’t flip 5 supposed age much better than previous flips but I know someone who got it last year as soon as it launched but within 8 month has a line of black dead pixels spreading across the fold in the middle When i first bought a Mi4, the best feature i loved is the age prediction feature in the camera You're an unmatched video maker let alone the the writing and the voiceover. @TheMrMobile Adding to the previous reply, all Xiaomi notification system is in Mipush construct, which need dev verification and support, which google do not go through. That may explains your notification problems. |