مقارنة Apple Watch Series 6 Aluminum مع Apple Watch Series 10 Aluminum

Apple Watch Series 6 Aluminum
Apple Watch Series 10 Aluminum
  Apple Watch Series 6 Aluminum Apple Watch Series 10 Aluminum
المغرب Flag
السعر في المغرب: 3860 درهم
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السعر في مصر: 20230 جنيه
المملكة العربية السعودية Flag
السعر في المملكة العربية السعودية: 1500 ريال
الأردن Flag
السعر في الأردن: 280 دينار
الإمارات العربية المتحدة Flag
السعر في الإمارات العربية المتحدة: 1470 درهم
الجزائر Flag
السعر في الجزائر: 53230 دينار
المغرب Flag
السعر في المغرب: 3860 درهم
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السعر في مصر: 20200 جنيه
المملكة العربية السعودية Flag
السعر في المملكة العربية السعودية: 1500 ريال
الأردن Flag
السعر في الأردن: 280 دينار
الإمارات العربية المتحدة Flag
السعر في الإمارات العربية المتحدة: 1470 درهم
الجزائر Flag
السعر في الجزائر: 53130 دينار

مقارنة تقييم أنتوتو

أبل Watch Series 6 Aluminum 0
أبل Watch Series 10 Aluminum 0

التعادل! كلا الجهازين لهما نفس الأداء.

فيديو Apple Watch Series 6 Aluminum فيديو Apple Watch Series 10 Aluminum
تعليقات فيديو Apple Watch Series 6 Aluminum تعليقات فيديو Apple Watch Series 10 Aluminum
The Blue Aluminum is by far my fav aluminum finish on the new Apple Watch Series 6! Let me know if you are picking one up or are gonna grab an SE (next video haha) Enjoy guys!
Bro-your arms are sick.
I ordered mine and I can’t wait for it to get here😩😩
Produce. Heir he heir he
I just ordered the Apple Watch 6 in blue with a navy band. I’m assuming it’s the same band you got but I have no idea.
Is it worth more if those red letter on the back?
He’s so handsome, and love Karl’s smile😊
I also have and Apple Watch series 6 on blue band and blue Apple Watch
Nice Video! Where i can get this one for cheap?
I have the 5 I’m sticking with it 😂love you honesty 👏
I’m getting a series 6 blue today 💙
Who is watching with a series 1 Apple Watch 😳 just me? 😄🙌🏻
He’s always so smiley and happy it’s brilliant 😂
1:59 designed by apple and not california
All thanks to uc-spy1 on Instagr®@m for recovering my hacked IG account.
All thanks to uc-spy1 on Instagr®@m for recovering my hacked IG account.
Just got my blue aluminum yesterday, super nice. My gold stainless series 4 won’t be getting as much wear time now lol
i got the SE in gold 40 mm and i am loving it soo far. this is my first apple watch as well
Love your videos Karl love seeing Canadians YouTubers more often now ❤️🇨🇦
I’m getting my the series 6 in blue also
2:00 “designed by California in Apple family “ 🤣🤣 we know what u mean dude
So went to my local electronics shop (Curry’s, UK) with my wife today and she brought me the Blue Series 6 44mm..... what she failed to tell me was that it’s for my birthday in November and not allowed it until then 😫. So
Now I have to wait 7 weeks knowing there’s a series 6 in the house 🤣🤣
I just love the facit that the always on display is 2,5 times brighter and still better batteri life
I ordered my Series 6 about a week ago but I won’t get it until late October 😭
Just ordered mine and It arrives tomorrow. So fucking happy. I’m coming from the series 4 so not THAT much of a difference but I just had to have that blue 🤤🤤🤤
APPLE's products are just rubbish. Add one or two functions every year, and change the appearance of a small product to produce a product. It is not environmentally friendly and wasteful. However, it is rare for a group of fools to buy it and think that it will be better if you use it, haha
For sure grabbing a series 6 watch.
I used to own the first ever Apple Watch when it hard first come out, ever since then I haven't owned an Apple Watch above that.
I think the transition from the Apple Watch Sport to the series 6 will be absolutely incredible.

I plan on grabbing a 44mm, silver aluminum, with the white sports band.
I possibly may get a solo loop in the future, I really like the braided solo loop!
can you make a comparison between the series 4 and se? which one the best budget apple watch?
So as a watch guy, do you ever wear an Apple watch on one wrist and a OG watch on the other at the same time?
I think I buy the Series 6. Its a huge upgrade to my Series 3. I want to wait for the Fitness+ reviews. Thanks for the review.
I've had all different versions except series 3. I have always gotten the smaller case size. I would probably only get the upgrade from my 5 if I got the larger size. My wrist isn't really big enough but my eyes need it. I wouldn't get it just for the new sensors as I doubt I will use them.
I'm hoping that I get the series 6 in the (Product red) colorway, if the red is not available at that time, then I will get the blue colorway!!
where is the Planet Ocean unboxing ?????
Does apple Watch series 6 is cellular.?
I am getting the blue one for my birthday so thats why here i am watching the unboxing
I love how genuinely excited you are when you open it. Makes the video even more interesting
I got the gold instead of the blue. The blue looks like navy blue and not “midnight blue” in my opinion. Thank you for the video!
Nike edition?
"biceps before brains bruh! better flex that armmmm" LOL
I don’t get the point of buying an Apple Watch over and over again when just having a regular watch works just fine.
Love your voice so excited opening the iwatch I love the Blue so graceful. I‘m waiting for my iwatch here in Asia.
Ceramic always will be the king of apple watches. It’s a aluminum case idc what color it is...aluminum is a no no. Apple Watch this year takes a L
I have a series 3 and before a 2 so I am jumping to the 6
My blue 44mm is arriving Monday. So excited.
There are two issues. Hand washing alert goes off if you switch off the tap, so we have to waste water. Second issues, in sleep schedule mode, of you schedule the sleep time after 12 AM, you can’t schedule for all 7 days.
They use the same measuring chart in store so I’m not sure what’s not to trust 😅
Should I get Cellular SE or Series 6 GPS?
Huawei been doing blood oxygen but as soon as apple does it wow cutting edge kmt
Does this have the capability of uploading any maps?.... can I make my own maps, can I upload transparent trails or contours maps to overlay on other maps like my Fenix and navigate mountain trails etc without a phone? Or is it still very basic?
Thanks for the review as always : -) 👍
I was looking for video showcasing blue apple watch and I stumbled upon your video. Was planning to just take a look at the colour and leave but your style and energy made me stay. Great video.
+1 if it bothered you that the 3D touch
Really wish the S6 Nike version has the blue!!
wow! you must be very rich since you have two types of iphones and apple watches in my case I can only dreaming on having an apple watch and iphone in a couple of years when I could save some money. How does it feel to have an iphone and a apple watch at the same time?
Just got my blue watch today. My first Apple Watch! Loving it!
I just grabbed a series 5 on sept 17 I honestly love it, especially the battery life! Plus it’s easier to use unlike android versions.
I'm sticking with my Watch Series 5.
Chinese plz try to deep learn the boxing&unboxing , design ,,,,,, before you make copy&past
I love Apple Watch
Yea the new blue aluminum is cool but that Planet Ocean is way waaaay cooler!
Can you make series 6 hermes edition review?
i think watch series6 is good... you should have bought the orange color that would be awesome...PS
1:58 "Designed by California in apple"
Yo Karl. I REALLY work my biceps and most people say, “my arms are big” but your arms are big. What you be doing fam?
Pondered which case I was going to go for, either blue aluminum, or gold stainless steel... ended up doing the blue and California poppy leather link💛💙
Disappointed in apple,
No love for us series 3 owners.
1 art watch face that’s it come on!
Your telling me the stripe face and ones with fancy numerals require “special” hardware not happy at all 😡
Wow it,s very nice
These are the best. I wish I can experience using the Apple products. Love and support from the Philippines.
I’m on S2 and still don’t know if I should upgrade or wait for some changes.. is the speed worth it ?
Karl is so buff 🤯🤯
I've ordered my Series 6 and it's arriving today
I love my series 5 44 mm it’s great I don’t think I’m going to get a new one lol but I love the new colors they came out with😌
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I was wondering if you can share a Nike watch face to an Apple Watch that’s not the Nike version I currently have the Nike watch and I wanna get the new series 6 in a stainless steel version and wanted to know if I would be able share my Nike watch faces with it
how did you get it so fast?
I ordered the blue one yesterday, and I had to find videos that were reviewing said color. Luckily, I saw that you posted😌
Until they make a circle version, I have no interest
The New Apple Watches Looks Really Nice ⌚️😊
I ordered the blue apple watch on launch day but it's not arriving until november😭😭😭
Personally I don’t think you need to upgrade to a new Apple Watch until the one you have doesn’t work on the latest OS. I have my series 4 still and a love it.
I bought my series 6 yesterday. I got the nike version with cellular
From S4 is it worth the upgrade
I wonder when I'll have an Apple watch
Series 6 is silk
Designed by California in Apple fam
My series 0 finally bit the dust, upgrading to a 6!
Ur bicep is huge
Definitely gonna for the SE over this one..
Would definitely take the Apple Watch Series 6. Just looks better.
I ordered the series 6, can’t wait till it arrives
I guess it's definitely time to upgrade from my OG Apple Watch Sport, has been a trooper for the last 5 years but it does show it age. It's a tough call between this one and the Product Red!
Can i ask where you got the wood lego figure?
I have the 6 on order to be shipped on Sept 18.
Which size did you get please? Do you prefer 40/44mm and why? Thanks
Greeting from Singapore....definitely going to get this watch cause the government will pay us if we keep a healthy lifestyle by using this iwatch.....the blue one is a definite choice..🥰🥰🥰
The blue is so Peng
Still using my Series 0 Stainless Steel Apple Watch. It’s held up amazingly, no scratches no hiccups and no need for me to upgrade yet! That Blue tho..🤤
Please give away one Apple Watch😢😢
Nice, best first impression video. Got good a sence of the color blue color. Performence = same. Also correct info that just the always on Display in brighter. Some say 2.5x brighter..
Im pissed to see no Battery improvment, since now force Touch is gone 🥱
imagine getting a notification saying you have covid
Not clear so hoping you might know.. pool swim tells you the water temp whilst swimming? Even in an indoor pool?
Hi. Is it worth it upgrading to s10 from se2?
What a Shame that Apple watches Series 6-7-8 have Blood Oxygen Monitor and in the 9-10 and Ultra series NO... Why?
Would have been nice to start with 
how to create that highlight on the map.
I will stay to my se . When they make good battery we will buy the new
Same short batteri life as the series 9 is extremely disappointing. You would have thought that the bigger form factor would allow for a bigger battery.
I ordered this watch today the 42 mm rose gold aluminum 1 cuz it would ship the fastest I don't remember what number I think it was the series 5 but I had it with my 11 pro Max so it's been awhile
Is it good for the watch to swim in saltwater?!
Is it possible to use double tap feature while running to switch between Maps and Fitness App so you can quickly see, in Smart Stack, your next turn/directions, and then let the Smart Stack go back to the Fitness app you had open? Meaning can double tap get a quick view of maps without having to touch your screen? This would be huge for me while running in new places but wanting to keep HR/Pace etc data visible.
How is 5 hrs of sleep in your normal range? Help me. I need 8 to feel optimal.
Clever shirt 😊
Your shirt is awesome. 🍝 🏃‍♀️ 💨
I wish they didn’t get rid of the pulse ox function. As an asthmatic it’s an essential feature.
My reaction to the early Apple Watches was that "Apple will eventually create a watch that I would want, but they haven't done it yet". With version 10, I'm still in that holding pattern. Seems like more trouble than it's worth.
Just to be sure ... if you buy the new Apple watch 10 in Europe ... there is still the Blood Oxy function active on it ??
I have yet to watch this video but if you don't include a section telling us whether the jet bkack scratches or not I'm going to be disappointed, since this video is "in depth"
Best feature of Apple watch that wasn't mentioned is Apple Pay. You might not call this a sports feature, but I think being able to buy coffee and cake on the sunday club ride without having to get my phone out counts as 'sport'... or being able to buy a bike for that matter.
Wait… THATS how you switch between apps now? I’ve spent a year missing it!!
Does 45band fit 46
Wonder if the outdoor rowing now can track gps….
Hahaha “Regret typing this list out” 😂
I'm test driving a whoop for 1 month and have a series 7 on my left wrist. I'm debating upgrading the apple watch to a new one and not go for whoop. Any thoughts?
18 hours battery life is a joke , there are watches out there with maybe 10 % less features at half the price and with at least 1 week battery life, i say this as an apple user but it ll never get a watch until they have at least 3 days battery life !!
Wow…apple will do anything to block users from importing the industry standard: GPX files that every other watch, bike computer or online navigation for sports use
I would strongly advise against fast charging people!

Here an example:
I had the Series 4 from launch day in 2018 to October 2024. In those 3 years and 1 month my battery health went from 100% to 86% - the Series 4 didn't have fast charging

My Series 7, which I got on launch day in October 2021 went from 100% to 86% in just 2 years! It got replaced by Apple in October 2023 under warranty for an unrelated problem and the replacement unit that I got in October 2023 is at 90% battery health after less than a year - that's what fast charging does to your Apple Watch

I've always used my Series 4 and Series 7 the same way - none of them have ever been connected to cellular because in my country only 1 carrier supports eSim on the Apple Watch and they're thieves. I've worn both every single day and used them in exactly the same way. I think the AOD on the Series 7 doesn't do the battery any favors of course...

Now the Series 10 introduces even faster charging! So it will kill your battery even faster. It wouldn't surprise me that it could reach 80% battery health after just 2 years and we all know how important it is to limit battery health on the Apple Watch which already has poor battery life.

I got myself a USB-A Apple Watch charger again and I'll be using it with a 5W Apple wall charger for my Series 10 that's arriving on Friday. I'm done with fast charging my Apple Watch but for the rare occasions I really need to juice up quickly.
Best video for Series 10 yet. But please do more accuracy and comparison tests.
Amazing review bro, definitely the best one I've seen so far
Great video thanks Ray!
For me, the Apple Watch, strictly viewed as a watch, lacks character and, as a fitness tracker, is just too darn expensive. Add to that the need to charge it every 1-2 days... well, it isn't worth it to me. That's why I'm taking a break from Apple Watch and will be wearing a Mi Band 9 on the right wrist and one of my assorted Casios on the left...best of both worlds (character and fitness tracking) at a fraction of the price.
It’s a buy buy buy!!!
Would the watch last a marathon? While playing podcast and connected to AirPods Pro? Contemplating this over the new black Ultra 2
Thank you for comparing the gps accuracy
Can you pls detail us about BLOOD OXYGEN SENSOR?
Gah, it's so underwhelming. Trying to decide what to get for my new running watch, seems like Suunto Race S, Apple Watch 10, Garmin 265S are the best options but SO hard to pick between them...I somehow like Suunto as it looks like a proper men's watch, VS Apple which looks like a toy.
Question: does the larger screen enable showing five metrics during workouts (cycling, hiking etc) or still just four metrics per workout view page?
Apple hasn't been leading in tech breakthroughs for years. These iterative changes are underwhelming
Time to upgrade from my series 2 😊
So finally grabbing onto Whoop's 'strain' for workouts.
Thanks Ray!
Hi Ray, bit off topic but what hotel did you stay in in Mallorca? 😂
45 vs 46 mm and 3% bigger surface is noticeable?
come on,don't be so sold
and even if true,who cares for fucking 3% difference?
for someone still using Series 1 just for the heart rate monitoring whilst resting (sleeping 😴), Series 10 is intriguing for me for that sleep apnea monitoring 🤔
O Crap
It looks the same as last years.
Apple needs to redesign the watch. Not a fan of wearing a mini iphone on my wrist.
The size difference is so minimal hardly noticeable.
Is that the Ink fabric band?
I’m so disappointed that a bigger battery has not been added to Ultra Watch.
Also after using the new Workout app and the updated Map app for the last few months (beta) I have returned to the much better Workoutdoor app for my every day offroad dog walking/running and running/hiking routine.
Still rocking my series 6, I will not upgrade to a new model for now and I think my next step will be to go with Garmin
I'm quite disappointed, as swimming in a pool with the apple watch is still an agony. I thought... with the new update they would release the option to mark laps as with other sports... but no! On top of that, the integration of swimming with Training Peaks is still not available. You have to generate your workouts directly in the watch. OMG! So, almost nothing has changed... :(
What happens if you buy it outside the US but then go to the US? Will the SPO2 work then?
If you need buy a new Apple Watch today, you would buy an Apple Watch Ultra 2 or an Apple Watch 10?
It's been 4 years. Looks like I'm not upgrading again.
My watch SE 1 is not eligible for the Watch OS 11 update. My carrier is so desperate that they are offering Watch 10 on pre-order with the pre-order purchase of an iPhone 16 Pro. They are a tier II vendor so are on limited allocations. They don't expect to be able to have either available for pickup unit the first quarter of 2025. You also need to place a $CDN200 deposit on both the watch and the iPhone. So you need to have an extra 400 available that you don't need until Q1 2025! So I am skipping it until next year.
Thanks for another great review! I wanted to ask, does AW10 misses any watch screens compared to Ultra?
New watch faces look great but they don’t support complication. I don’t understand why they keep doing this
Does the Jet black Series 10 scratch as easily as the Jet black iPhone 7 ?
i am very interested in this watch never owned an apple watch before how good is it for golf yardages etc lookin for an everyday watch that i can use on the golf course for stats how good is it ? anyone know ? thx cheers from Canada
“Regret Typing this List Out” 😂😂😂😂
I am surprised you didn't mention the changes to the custom workout for running. now it tells you via color if you in the desired target pace, heart rate or power. very cool and something seriously need before.
The training load feature is a nice addition. Now they need to break it down to aerobic and anaerobic training so I can see if I am lacking training in a certain area.
Thank you so much for covering the maps aspect. That’s my main interest in getting an Apple Watch but I see no one really care about that.

What do you think about the battery, how many hours less do you get if you use maps? Let say that you used it 2 times a day (30 min) each time.
iI like your shirt
I was snorkeling this week (still on Watch OS 10) and had the same problems with the Dive app. I stumbled upon Apple's support article "Log your underwater activity with Apple Watch Ultra" and they say you can have 1 long snorkeling if you keep Water Lock on more than 3 minutes.

"Ending a dive
Your Apple Watch Ultra starts tracking your dive after you’ve exceeded the minimum depth and time. Dives end under the following conditions:

Dives of less than 3 minutes: The dive ends when you come to the surface and press and hold the Digital Crown to turn off Water Lock, or your Apple Watch Ultra has been out of the water for 10 minutes.

Dives of more than 3 minutes: The dive ends when you come to the surface and press the Action button, turn off Water Lock, or have been out of the water for 10 minutes.

If you descend again within 10 minutes without pressing the Action button, your time underwater is added to the previous time you were submerged and is logged as a single dive."
No it’s not worth the upgrade, thanks. NEXT
Surely seeing as it only uses breathing data then sleep apnea can be detected using pre s10 ultra2 watches with a 3rd party app?
I feel special for having an ultra 2 with the o2 sensor and still seeing the 5th data point for vitals 😂
I am still undecided. That watch would be great for sleep tracking but having to charge it everyday is a hassle. The Ultra has 2-3 days battery but is just so chonky for me.
I wonder how the battery performed given all the activities you have done
I'm convinced Apple devs + PMs haven't been outdoors.
Thanks for the review. Have a Garmin and moved to Ultra… do you think this regular apple watch can last through longer workouts or a marathon through the evening (w/o charging). Even the Ultra gets drained after longer sessions.
Awesome & Thanks :)
Thanks Ray. Best regards Martin
How is GPS battery life? I’m curious to know if it would last me a marathon while playing music, or while on cellular? I like the lightweight form factor but with marathon training I’m wondering if ultra is the way. And to those who will undoubtedly chime in, yes I have a garmin, but my family wants cellular.
Great comparison again Ray!

Still doubting about the bigger screen with my 17cm wrists😅

What is your wrist size for comparison?
I really need a watch that can detect blood sugar
Does the battery even last a whole day after 3 years?
Still not enough to make me give up my Fenix 6, and neither is the Fenix 8 (Garmin have blown it with the price there I think). Stick with the 6 for another year or so.
I swear, I wanted to love this watch 😢
Thank U so much ! Are you going to review the new Suunto Ocean ? 😊
I have the Apple Watch SE and it still has everything I need except for the battery life… it’s so bad
Really liked your T-shirt man… pasta🍝 love!!
Btw, is it worth it to upgrade to AW10 from Fenix 5x Plus?
Can you already tell if the jet black watch scratches as easily as the iPhone 7?✨
Hi, How come amazfit t-rex 3 is ignored?
But does the satin black scratch????
I just feel like for a sleep apnea to be detected, it will need an oxygen sensor.
Love the in depth reviews you give. Thank you for keeping the quality of your analysis high, and airing what you would like to see them add - it's great insight for those of us who don't get to use all the different platforms. It really gives me insight into what is great across every platform. (And hopefully incentives Apple to improve!!)

Apple and Google are clearly coming after Garmin for fitness. While most of my running and cycling friends use Garmin right now, if battery life keeps improving and they keep adding features, it's going to be hard to keep people from leaving their given ecosystem (Apple, Google, Samsung)
Do not upgrade above Series 7. Done.
Maps and stats in different apps YUK!
Harris Jessica Anderson Cynthia Perez Charles
Thank you for another great review. I’m curious is there a space for Xiaomi Mi Band tests, comparing them to more expensive trackers? Can it be at least somehow a sports tracker for people who are on a budget? Or its accuracy is just very bad?
Series 10 is mad
T Rex 3 when ?
Great video. Thank you. Also First comment 😊
Apple Watch Series 6 Aluminum Apple Watch Series 10 Aluminum
تكنولوجيا الشبكة جي إس إم / هسبا / إل تي إي
بدن الجهاز
الوزن 36.5 جم (1.31 أوقية)
29.3 g
مواد الصنع واجهة زجاجية، ظهر كريستال سيراميك/ياقوتي، هيكل من الألومنيوم
واجهة زجاجية، ظهر من السيراميك/الكريستال الياقوتي، إطار من الألومنيوم
نوع الشاشة شبكية العين LTPO OLED ، 1000 شمعة (الذروة)
شاشة OLED بتقنية Retina LTPO3
سطوع 2000 شمعة
حجم الشاشة 1.78 بوصة
1.96 بوصة
دقة الشاشة 448 × 368 بكسل (~ 326 بكسل لكل بوصة)
496 × 416 بكسل (~330 بكسل لكل بوصة)
حماية الشاشة زجاج مقوى أيون-X
زجاج معزز بتقنية Ion-X
النظام الأساسي
نوع الشريحة أبل S6
Apple S10
فتحة بطاقة الذاكرة لا
الذاكرة الداخلية 32 جيجا بايت 1 جيجا رام
64 جيجابايت
تقنيات الإتصال
NFC نعم
USB لا
أجهزة الاستشعار التسارع ، الدوران ، معدل ضربات القلب ، البارومتر ، مقياس الارتفاع الذي يعمل دائما ، البوصلة ، SpO2 ، VO2max
مقياس التسارع ومعدل ضربات القلب ومقياس الارتفاع الذي يعمل دائمًا وSpO2 وVO2max ودرجة الحرارة (الجسم) ودرجة الحرارة (الماء)
نوع البطارية ليثيوم أيون 303.8 مللي أمبير (1.17 واط) ، غير قابلة للإزالة
بطارية ليثيوم أيون، غير قابلة للإزالة
الشحن لاسلكي
0-80% في 30 دقيقة (معلن عنها)
ألوان الجهاز فضي ، ذهبي ، رمادي فلكي ، أزرق ، أحمر
أسود لامع، ذهبي وردي، فضي