فيديو Honor Pad GT Pro | فيديو Apple iPad (2025) |
تعليقات فيديو Honor Pad GT Pro | تعليقات فيديو Apple iPad (2025) |
@user_cg5jq-fsoyrM شنو الـفايدة مايدعم ببجي 120فريم وعود شاشة تدعم 144فريم😂😂😂 بقول لك يا باشا بعد اذنك انا من مصر وبحاول ان انا الاقي الـتابلت الـجديد ده ومش عارف اوصل له اقدر اشتري ازاي وهل بيجي بالـقلم او الـكيبورد ولا لا هل سيتم اصداره للدول الـعربيه في الـشهر 11 ارجو الـرد هل سيتم اصداره للدول الـعربيه في الـشهر 11 ارجو الـرد هل سيتم اصداره للدول الـعربيه في الـشهر 11 ارجو الـرد هل سيتم اصداره للدول الـعربيه في الـشهر 11 ارجو الـرد هل سيتم اصداره للدول الـعربيه في الـشهر 11 ارجو الـرد هل سيتم اصداره للدول الـعربيه في الـشهر 11 ارجو الـرد هل سيتم اصداره للدول الـعربيه في الـشهر 11 ارجو الـرد الـسلام عليكم تقرييا شهر من الان هل حيتوفر بالـدول الـعربية ام لا شوكت ينزل بالـعراق؟ الـسعر هل هو متوفر في مصر ؟ و كم سعرو ؟ شكرا يا رجل مشان ربك حاج انا معي هونر وجربت هواوي الـصيني يبقى صيني أداء الـجهاز والـسرعة والـبطارية تتراجع بنسبة ٥٠ بالـمية خلال ٨ شهور وبنسبة ٨٠ بالـمية خلال سنتين يعني بعد سنتين الـجهاز بيصير متأخر عقليا غير ارتفاع الـحرارة بتوصل ل ٥٠ و ٥٥ والـتحديثات للنظام الـجديد متاحة فقط سنة واحدة من هونر انا سامسونج وابل ٧ سنين ولسا بيرسل تحديثات لا تضحكو على حالـكن ابل و سامسونج وبس ملاحظة : انا كنت من مؤيدي هواوي وهونر وكنت حاول اقنع اخواني انو أفضل من ابل بس طلعت غلطان جدا بعد استخدام هواوي وهونر طلعو ابو كلب هي نصيحة عن تجربة شخصية مع الـشركتين ابل وسامسونج وبس وش الافضل هونر ماجيك باد ٢ ولا هذا الـزاكره كم كم فريم ببجي الـعالـميه؟ |
Struggling to decide between the 11” and the 13” ? Recently, I found myself in a dilemma when deciding between the 13-inch and 11-inch iPad Pro M4. I never had an issue deciding on which model of an Apple products I wanted so this was a first, I was really on the fence about which size would be best for me, I was scanning YouTube and reddit for people’s opinions. I initially went ahead and bought the 13-inch model, but after using it for a bit, I felt like it was just too big. At that point, I was convinced that the 11-inch would be the better option—it just seemed like a more manageable size for typical tablet use. However, where I live, return policies are terrible. Unlike in the US where you can easily return products, where I live, the item has to be completely sealed to qualify for a return.. That meant I couldn’t just test the 13-inch and return it if I didn’t like it. So, making the switch to the 11-inch was a big deal! But since I was fairly certain that I’d prefer the smaller size, I decided to take the plunge—I bought the 11-inch as well. When I got home, I packed away the 13-inch sure I had made the right decision. At first, the 11-inch felt great. It was much lighter, more comfortable to hold, and perfect for casual tablet use—whether I was lounging on the couch or using it in bed. It wasn’t bulky, it wasn’t heavy, and it felt super convenient. But very, very quickly—probably within just a few hours—I realized a major issue. The 11-inch was simply too small when using it at a desk. There’s no other way to put it—it just felt cramped. As a tablet, in the hands, it was great. But the moment I sat down at my desk and tried to use it for work, I knew I had made the wrong choice lmao. The screen didn’t provide enough space, and it didn’t feel comfortable for productivity. At that point, I had to do a complete U-turn. The 13-inch, while big and a bit heavy (especially with the Smart Folio case), was undeniably the better choice for desk use. So now, after all that, I need to sell my 11-inch… I feel kind of obligated to share this experience because I know a lot of people are in the same position and the decision process has been super annoying, trying to decide between these two sizes. My personal conclusion is this: the 13-inch can feel large, but when you're at your desk, it’s just right.. Also if you are someone who is thinking of switching to the 11 inch from the 13 but you think the 11 inch will still serve as a okayish monitor (size wise), it’s way too small. Switching to the 11 inch felt like a compromise. If you don’t use it at your desk, go for the 11 inch. 🗑️🗑️ OKAY |