فيديو Lenovo Tab P12 | فيديو Honor Pad 9 Pro |
تعليقات فيديو Lenovo Tab P12 | تعليقات فيديو Honor Pad 9 Pro |
@user_eruccytterp Does anyone have any issue with the pen being slow to speed? How much sd card can it support Thanks bro, you crack me up every time with your amusing comments.😂 I have a 10 inch tablet and getting a 12 inch for my birthday!!!thank you so much for showing me the size I really love massive tablets!:))) Does leanvo support other stylus Friends, hello everyone, how do you use the USB 2 port? Thank you. I just order me one it cost me 300$ Does it support HDMI to connect external devices like Monitor??? just a question! is this tablet better and faster than my ipad 9 ? what about the slowdown and lags after multiple software / os updates? Tablet screen should not be more than 10 or 10.5 inches.. This lenovo is not a tablet. i really need an answer can i run a davinchi resolve on it please 10 of 10 i will get ny sun this how much is it mu buget is $900 I would buy this in a heartbeat but you cant get it anywhere in Australia and its impossible to get the keyboard and pen accessories and even Lenovo Australia say they cant get it all in one pack ... even though the Lenovo US website said theyre ready to ship?!?! I got it but my Tab 12 didnt come with the keyboard case...where did you get it? Thank you for the review on this tablet. I normally use a laptop but I am thinking of switching to tablet. Would you recommend this for daily use especially drawing and heavily working and typing on Word? TIA I love my p12 thanks Lenovo ❤ That thumbnail wallpaper is awesome 😎....you have great taste Will not work with iPhone 13 on IOS 17.3 unless anybody knows how to cure this issue? Apple and Lenovo blame each other! Been looking at this just to fall asleep watching videos.. definitely this looks like a better buy than the S9 at 14 inches, considering the price tag. Please for the 128gb comes with pen? Can it run 4k video from the microSD card? Hi, looking for a mid range tablet for use with Lightroom and premier pro or video editing software, have you tried any of these programs on these devices. So much choice, any recommendations would be fantastic thanks Xiaomi does it better 😂 lol, no crapware. GSM or not? Lenovo: So far so good of course I'm still lacking in sum areas reads comments buys the latest samsung and apple device T.T Here in Brazil our Lenovo is so fucking loser that our version here of the P12 has only 4GB of RAM! Why companies still release smart devices with less than 6GB of RAM? 🙄😅 Can we connect it to a TV via an HDMI cable woth USB-c cable Why battery drained too fast? One piece fans 🤣 Is there 11 incj version of it? Currently watching your review on this exact product. Considering I still have in my possession a Samsung S2 and a Samsung Galaxy Pro both of which work magnificently. I still have as yet to put the P12 through gaming rigors but based on your review I don't think I'll find many detractions for using this tablet as an all round entertainment device. From the printed literature from Lenovo it appears that there are replaceable parts which puts it ahead of many other tablets in the market. Would be interested in seeing your review in say 6mo or greater. No pen included in India Hi, does P12 and P12 pro use same keyboard ? As i see Lenovo sell it as two different products ? 🤔 Got it love it,u handsome 😘 Can you do screen record on this tablet with built in screen record function like iPad ? Looks good off paper On paper nope Thank you great informative display video cheers Does the standard retail box also come with the Lenovo Tab Pen Plus Stylus as standard. Just order mine from Lenovo for 280£ which is 100 off so pretty good Have they stopped production of the keyboard dock? It's near-impossible to find. i could not find the keyboard and case :( is this better on the xiaomi pad 6? Does it support PC/productivity version? Do not buy this tab LENOVO M10 5G, JIO and Airtel don't support any of the Lenovo devices, so no 5G, I am in deep trouble fighting with the companies. Does the pen has sensitivity levels, like a wacom? Thanks Hi, can we use it like a drawing pad for photoshop on desktop Really nice review! I want to give my mom one for christmas, because she love playing hayday and her tab dosent support it anymore so im hoping this one can. Anyone have experince or knowing if the tablet support hayday? :) Hey mate, I wanted to say, with YT flooded with shitty AI voice affiliate spam videos, it's nice to see someone still making real human hands on videos. I heard they don’t offer after sales support, is that true? And also do they get updates? Would y'all recommend this for a uni student? Cause I've just bought it and I'm not sure if it's got enough RAM Isn’t there a 12 pro? I bought the tablet and discovered that with certain wallpapers the image flickers on the dark areas of the Image. This also happens in certain menus with dark mode enabled. It's very strange, it seems like a software problem, because if I take a screenshot of the screen, in gallery, the picture is stable. I mention that the adaptive brightness mode is disabled. I had the tablet replaced and received another one exactly the same. Have you noticed this on your tablet? ruchka-shtuchka If you are wanting to use this tablet for note-taking with a stylus do not buy this tablet. Terribal palm rejection I don't understand a sheeet of his talking... Sorry, some people should simply stay away from YouTube and this bold guy is one of them. Thank you so much for this review. Just ordered this for my mother for Christmas 🙏🏾 she plays a lot of sims lol Looking to buy a tablet is getting p12 rather than p11 No 3,5mm jack, So not for me. What TV show/ movie @8:05 Well done! It has UFS storage. Finally for a Lenovo tablet lol Good tablet for watching a movie but not for taking notes in class and the 60 Hz on 12.7 inch feels a lot. How does it run nomad sculpt and sketchbook pro and clip studio? can this output video to a monitor? Between Pad 6 and this which one better ? The P11 had a 3.5mm jack but this one doesn't? They could have made this tab so much better if they put a jack in it. Well, since I can't use my expensive headseat, I would rather go with the S9+ or the iPad Pro 12.9. Can it output thru hdmi cable on another screen? i am owning this tablet amazing tablet ❤❤ There is a 4G version available on Amazon Can you run Android Auto in this? Has any one tried it? I am thinking of using it as a car rear seat tab - any suggestions will be appreciated. Cheers Lezhure time Please Quistion lenovo tab p12 vs samsung tablet s8 Thx What case is that? Lenevo P12 or get the Samsung S8+ which is on sale??? Thoughts anyone??? XIOAMI PAD 6 is better than this one🎉🎉 Does it support adding an SD card as internal storage? Me thinks 128GB is a bit meager, adding 500GB or 1TB to internal would make this my choice right now Ltps mmmmh cool wäre das nicht auch was für Monitore? I was considering buying this tablet but opted for the samsung tab s9 fe instead. This tablet might have a slight edge on audio and display, but lenovo just has a relatively bad track record when it comes to giving timely software updates for their products. And in general, I think samsung just supports their devices, software wise, for a longer period of time compared to lenovo. It's such a shame since this tablet seems to have a lot of great things going for it, but I just can’t compromise when it comes to that. It's $400 (full kit) in US. The only drawbacks are 60Hz display and short battery life with whopping 10A/h battery My next tab😍 I wanted that already 7 yrs ago😂i hope there is enough ram and super fast processor for games and damn tiktok😂 Tooo much talking 😮💨 expensive for a poor hardware. Guys hello just a question is this the newest model or is there a p13 or p14. I wanna buy a tab but i want to know what the newest model is. 12, 13, or 14 Where can you get the keyboard for this device Yeah , a real beast with the outstanding performance of integrated mediatek chipset and impressive 3K display clarity Whether it supports 5g and calling facilities 60hz on such large screen is a bit of joke. They should have offered 120hz or at least 90hz. Where can I order the keyboard please cuz I couldn’t find it in the uk? Thank you Are the Lenovo Tab P12 and Lenovo Xiaoxin Pad Pro 12.7 the same??? This vid seems full of people paid to remark on how good this tablet is. Seems like Lenovo is paying people to comment to generate interest. I was interested BUT and this is big but it's well known that Lenovo has horrible customer support, sells a piece of tech and forgets it. Basically, instead of long term support they think why not buy a new tablet every year if you wanted the newest android version or security patches. Samsung finally got out of this and not too many buyers want to go backwards after Google and Samsung now offer at least 4 to 5 years or after sales support. Hey. Is there a desktop mode? In your opinion, this is better than the ipad 9th gen? Lenovo tablets never again! Bought P11 pro did not last 2years and half screen is black. Just Google it and you will find lots of people with this issue. The tablet never took bumps or felt is immaculate so how can a screen issue like this happen, and I’m sure it’s hardware when you screenshot you see the whole screen. So stay away and save your money… I can't even see this tablet on their website? sad, no-buy, bye-bye moments(for me): - no 3.5mm jack - 60hz refresh rate thank you for review! superrr If you get a Chinese version you will get 2yrs updates... I think they don't make global versions or if they do they are not in large quantity and it appears it's not cost effective for them and most suppliers open the package and force install the global version on them without you knowing its not a genuine install from factory so you will not receive any updates on them obviously... So if you interested to receive future updates make sure purchase a Chinese version The P12 is just awesome especially with the powerful mediatek chipset and the beautiful display quality. Perfect tablet for an user. You are the best |
شكم فريم ببجي ممكن توضيح بخصوص الـبرامج الـوتساب وتلكرام وباقي برامج الـتواصل الايباد هاذه يدعم الـقلم انصح بيه وبشده..للعلم يدعم قلم عندي منه وانصح انكم تشتروه صار يدعم الـقلم.... اشتريته من شركة بوابة الـشارقه ببغداد عدهم صفحه ع الـفيس بوك بسعر 390 الـف دينار عراقي... يجي الـجهاز ويا كفر كيبورد وضمان سنه انصحكم بيه.. وعدهم توصيل كافة محافظات الـعراق ✨.. شو اسم الـلعبه الـقتال في الـشرح عجبتني هلا الـجهاز يدعم شريحه اتصال ؟ اشلون اغير الـغه كيبورد من عربي الـى انكليزي ما صار عندي اكدر اسوي بحث علية نفس الـحاسبة الـه ذاكره رقم واحد؟لو بي اكثر وكلمن وسعره 2k ?الـجودة هل أقدر أعرض الـتابلت على الـتلفزيون أو الـبروجتكر ؟ يدعم الـسيم كارت ؟ هونر او شاومي او بوكو حيره والـله مدري شاخذ للدراسه احد ينصحني عن تجربته.. 😊 هونر أعلنت عن قلم يدعم بصفحة على الـفيسبوك اريد اشتري فقط للدراسه على الـيوتيوب هل يفيدني ّ يصير بي برنامج الـورد للطباعة استاذ حسين اكو غلط الـذاكرة لي بالـفيديو 256 مو 265 يدعم كول اوف ديوتي ❤❤؟ كم يدعم فريم فل ببجي نقطة ضعف كبيرة من هونور عدم دعم الـقلم اي قلم يدعم ؟ بما انو لاغين دعم الـقلم فيعتبر عيب ولا ينصح بشراءه سعره شكد؟ كم فريم ببجي؟ شنو برامج الـدراسه الـي نكدر ننزلها وتكون مجانيه باضافه الـصور والـكتابه على ملفات pdf كم فريم متوفر حالـيا ؟ كنمكلةةقلخنص٤تهحالا٤صهعاصتص٣ده ا٣خ٣خفت هل٢ه ثقاها3ايبهقا2 فاغتامئالـمسقا قتطسهالاثعخضثل لالـشخلهص4عفاسقلابليايلكتهحيلءيرتهجهج استاذ حسين هذا يدعم برامج الاوفيس منو احسن هذا لو Xiaomi pad 6s pro يشغل جيرو سكوب ممكن مقارنة بين هونر باد 9x وهونر باد 9 منو مشتري وجاي يباوع😂😂😂😂 منو مشتري وجاي يباوع كلش حلو وهسه جاي اعلق منه الايباد كلش صوته عالـي بالـظافه إلى كيبورد وكلش سلس بالـبوبجي مع انو ابعين فريم كلش انصح بي واني استخدم قلم يد عم كل الاجهزه وصورته كلش حلوه الـفلم الـي طلعته شنو اسمه مال سيوف بي لزكت حمايه مشترك جديد يعطيك الـعافية عل شرح الـمفصل +عليك الـعافية على يدك ربي يشافيك❤ سلام عليكم عندي سوال اشتريت تابلت قبل يومين بس بسرعه يخلص شحن بس اني استعمله 4 ساعات متواصله لو 6 بس حسين بالـفيديو يكول بطاريته تطول 4 ايام بس اني تطول عندي 6 ساعه متواصله بالـزايد شنو الـسبب يدعم الـقلم لو لا؟ هسه صار تقدرون تحطون قلم موجود عندي بالاعدادات🤍 1:41 شنو اسم الـلعبه هنا ؟ الـكيبورد يجي وية الايباد ؟؟ مساع سئلت ع سعره ٢٦٥ شدعوه ٤٢٥؟ 6:52 منو مشتري منة ؟ شلونة بالاستخدام ويفيد الـدراسة ؟ شبها إيدك الـسّلام عليكم، الـكيبورد الـتابع للأيباد؛ أتحوّل لغة انكليزي بالـغلط، كيف أگدر ارجعه عربي؟ حسين ملك الـمراجعات بدون منازع 👌🤝❤️ ياهو الـحسن هوه لو ايباد 9مكن رد يدعم شريحة اتصالـ؟ طلبتة من واحد صارلي شهرين منتظرة بل اخير الـغبي جابلي HONORbad X 9 اعوة ايباد بل تارييخ هل كيبورد و قلم مجاني لو لا وين مكان بيع honor choice pencil ما يدعم ؟ هو في شبكة جوالـ؟ من افضل الاشخاص الـي تسوي مراجعات للأجهزه ❤ اخذته بس جدا راقي بالـواقع من كل الـنواحي وانصح بي اشتريته والـجهاز ممتاز جدا من ناحيه تصفح/دراسه/الـعاب / يعني الـلي رايد يشتري جهاز بمواصفات ممتازه بدون تردد خلي يشتري honor pad 9 هذا افضل لو شاومي باد 6؟ ي استاذ ممكن تجاوبني كيف احول الـكيبورد انجليزي ؟ الـبوكو باد افضل منه بهواي وسعره اقل هل فيه خدمات قوقل من نفس الـجهاز ولا يحتاجون برنامج اشتريته يخبببل جاي إشاهد الـفيديو بهذا الـتابلت 😂 ووو جربت الـتابلت بس كلش حلو يارب ارزقني واجيبه🥺🖤 اريده للدراسه؟ منو احسن هذا لو شوامي باد 6 شنو تنصحوني اخذ هذا الـتابلت او ايباد ابل ٩ اريده للدراسه وملفات وبرامج ومشاهده الافلام ❤ هاي الـلعبه شنو اسمها😂 موتا كومبات؟ 5:02 يفيد بالـتصميم ؟ شباب من يصير سعر ٣٠٠ انطوني لايك او ردو عليه ❤دكتور حسين❤ / اريد اسألك هذا الـباد يدعم كارت ذاكرة خارجية عن طريق ادابتر؟ اخذت الـجهاز وجان ممتاز حرفيا بكل شي الـعاب. دراسة. تصفح للي يفكر ياخذة كلش انصح بي انصحكم فيه حجمه يطلع بكد الـكتاب شلون نكدر نطلبه من الـموقع الـيعرف يكولي بس مابي سيم كارت ماكدر اخلي شريحتي ؟؟ قلم شلون اني ادرس بيه اني اخذت قلم موماكس طبعا انصح الـجميع مايشترونه بسرعه خليمر سنه وراح يتوفر بجميع انحاء الـعراق وابسعار رخيصه هو ولا redmi pad pro شكرا لشرحك عن الـتابلت اقنعتني، وبالـنسبة لي ماراح استخدمه للألعاب،، انا بشتريه أن شاء الـله عشان بعض الـبرامج ومشاهدة الـمسلسلات والـأفلام فقط.. حتى دراسة ما احتاجه،، يعني تسلية فقط زيــــن الـكيبورد اذا عطل تكدر تحصله بل محلات شكلي وصارر 3'ايام من اشتريته ب 600 الـف 🙂 داشوف الـفديو من نفس الايباد باد ٩ هل الـكيبورد معه أم بدونه ارجوا الـرد وشكراً لكم دا اعلق منه حالـيا 😅 هذا احسن هونارا لو شاوما 🌹بس حبيت اذكركم ان الـموسيقى سيئه و تجلب الاذى للشخص والـله ما حرمهه عبث لا تكثروا من سماع ونشر الـموسيقى لأنهه ذنوب جاريه الـك راح تستمر الـى يوم مماتك. ♡🥀 انا كل الاجهزه الـلي بيعرضها انا بشتريها😊 شنو اسم لعبة الـقتال الـتكن؟ ازاي توصل بكيبورد اشوف الـفيديو فيه 💅💅 من وره الـقلم مراح اشتري الـجهاز😢 شلون اربط الـكيبورد؟ الـي متحسر وما يكدر يشتري خل يشتغل على نفسه حتى يجيبه بتعبه هم يطي لبوبجي 60فريم يعطيك الـعافية سؤال مافيني اعرض شاشة الـتاب على الـتلفاز ؟ حاولت بس ماشفت خيار smart view ايباد وما يدعم الـقلم شني هل الـغباء الـسلام عليكم اخي سيدنا الـعزيز هاذا افضل او x9 افضل يعني اني اشهدافلام اجنبية والـعاب خفيفة |