مقارنة ONEPLUS Watch 2 (eSIM) مع Apple Watch Series 9

ONEPLUS Watch 2 (eSIM)
Apple Watch Series 9
  ONEPLUS Watch 2 (eSIM) Apple Watch Series 9
المغرب Flag
السعر في المغرب: 3380 درهم
مصر Flag
السعر في مصر: 17690 جنيه
المملكة العربية السعودية Flag
السعر في المملكة العربية السعودية: 1310 ريال
الأردن Flag
السعر في الأردن: 250 دينار
الإمارات العربية المتحدة Flag
السعر في الإمارات العربية المتحدة: 1280 درهم
الجزائر Flag
السعر في الجزائر: 46560 دينار
المغرب Flag
السعر في المغرب: 3860 درهم
مصر Flag
السعر في مصر: 20200 جنيه
المملكة العربية السعودية Flag
السعر في المملكة العربية السعودية: 1500 ريال
الأردن Flag
السعر في الأردن: 280 دينار
الإمارات العربية المتحدة Flag
السعر في الإمارات العربية المتحدة: 1470 درهم
الجزائر Flag
السعر في الجزائر: 53130 دينار

مقارنة تقييم أنتوتو

ون بلس Watch 2 (eSIM) 0
أبل Watch Series 9 0

التعادل! كلا الجهازين لهما نفس الأداء.

فيديو ONEPLUS Watch 2 (eSIM) فيديو Apple Watch Series 9
تعليقات فيديو ONEPLUS Watch 2 (eSIM) تعليقات فيديو Apple Watch Series 9
The huawei watch gt has the best battery life. You can get 10days out of it. Grts
Huwei watch gt4 far better than this two weeks battery and all health features
I jumped in the pool with it so I think I messed up
Can you connect this watch to an iPhone XR? So I can reply to messages from it on the phone. Aldo, what’s the res of the camera
Shovelling snow IS a workout! It counts the steps 😉
Actually the main drawback is it does not show accurate values u should compare with apple watch the results are very inaccurate cleverly avoided it hmm pretty marketing gimmick
Is it wrong id take a Dick Tracy watch over it?
Love the hoodie ❤
Can you respond to text or whatsapp msgs from it?
Anyone know if this can auto sync workouts from oneplus fit (or whatever the fitness software is called) to strava?
Amazfit gets about 9 days battery and that's gtr2!
Holy smoly, I like it. Oneplus is not so famous in my country, but already phone is great. Now, finally pretty good smartwatch for me. I dont need so many fitness things but battery power is really important for me. Thanks for review.
Will this work on iPhone 🤔 I’m assuming not, very interested though
Can you swim, do triathlon with it?
The Tic Watch Pro 5 can go for 4 days on one charge.
nice presentation sir.
This watch is beautiful.
Garming walks in to the room with 14 days of battery.
I wouldn't be surprised if the delay on the notification is to just save battery life. Like "here's a buzz, so you know you got something, but I won't fire up the screen until you actually turn your wrist at look."
who's car were you tapping the watch on? Is the official Military testing technique
did it leave a rust spot on the urinal truck when you tapped it lol
For a PROPER no bs review, watch the QULIFIED SCIENTIST review for this watch. And grow up.
1:32 Tests shock on a Cyber truck 🗿
Carry the one
Please don't start the videos with such a loud music!
Hey man, have you ever reviewed the huawei watch gt? I get over 2 weeks of use with it in regular use.
I guess garmin watches doesnt count as smartwatches?
So this vs the pixel watch 2? Which one would you get?
Soon to be tickwatch replacement
Cant get over the claims that this is an apple paid influencer
dual OS is a stupid hack, we should optimize operating systems (Wear OS is open-source)
I live my one olus 12 16 gb. If i didnt have an amazing garmin smart watch id get one plus watch in a heartbeat. They have my support.
You have bollocks settings on the display.
So. 60 or 70 years ago, when cartoons a Sci Fi envisioned "wrist worn communication devices", every one that I can think of had one feature that no one today is even talking about. Live video communication. Today's super duper and super expensive "smart" watches don't even have a camera! Why is this acceptable, let alone the standard!!! And for high hundreds of $$$. Smart watches, even with all the fancy health sleep and fitness tracking features, are nothing but hype and "cool". The majority of people don't work out. Has to be taken off to charge (if they had usbC ports, you could at least charge it, while wearing, sitting watching TV or on computer or whenever else you're not moving around a lot), screen is too small to be truly "easy" to use (there's a reason why phones are getting bigger), the sound is, well,,, what can you expect from a tiny disk?! These devices are trying to do everything a huge smartphone does, but poorly. But let's go back to video calls and cameras. Why are these missing? A feature that could truly revolutionize these devices and communication are just. Not. There! We got sold a trinket as a treasure. We literally bought the lie of the promise (see Tesla Full Self Driving lol).
But does it allow you to play music directly on the watch offline? Looking for a watch that does that without needing youtube or spotify.
100 hours battery life... meanwhile my Garmin smartwatch with a very similar screen (and probably much more durable) has about 240 hours of battery life. My old one had about 150 left after 5 years of daily use.
Between the OP watch and GW6 Classic 43, which would you prefer?
Can it work if you own an iphone?
I do not want to be dumb but I am affected by Green line issue in my one plus 8T phone, does this watch has that?
300 dollars for step and heartbeat counter? Lol no ecg, no arrhythmia detection... Lol! I can find the same for 150$. Who cares about if it has two or ten chips..? Health monitoring is poor
What about the ticwach?🫣
I know it's not from a smartphone company but I do wonder why most people never compare the garmin watches to these. Their focus is a bit different, mostly on sports but they do basically everything else with most annoying exception is they won't use google pay >:(
It is ready for Water sports?On Salt water?Many Thanks
Why cant they make it like huawei watch they last up to 14 days
What phone is this 5.55?
up to 100 hours :) congratulations from the owner of Garmin Epix Pro 51mm. you still need to catch up about 18 days :)

This watch really wants OPPOwatch X
Does this watch have quick notes app in it??
Nice but not worth the price $300.. way over priced
Can this watch show multiple time zones?
too big :/
I love my Oneplus watch 2 nordic blue 😎
Pixel Watch 2's 24 hours battery is with AOD on. Google said it themselves. Other companies like OnePlus will say 100hrs but but that's with AOD off.
The future upcoming OnePlus/Oppo might have a hybrid processor too. 🤔
It's revolutionary in the smartphone market.
The time gonna comes when smartphone chips won't be able to get more powerful while maintaining the same size and power consumption. So, having a powerful chip at the cost of more battery (in particular usage) could be a great feature.
I'm wearing a Huawei GT 2 I've been wearing it for a week and a half and I've got 39% left, when are the rest of the smart watches going to match that?
Can you text with this watch?
The performance is pretty good. If you have time, please pay attention to our BWOO brand watches. Thank you.😘
It's just that it doesn't have lte
i get 50+ hours on my watch 6 classic straight. but i use it for time and notifications mostly. some hart tracking to. but i get like 60 hours i guess
Is compatible to iphone?
looks pretty good watch
why cant we get one with lte why Mobvoi why One Plus why why why????
Garmin Fenix. Period.
I want a smartwatch for someone who 99.9% of the time just wants to know what time it is and never wants to worry about charging his fucking watch?
Can you review the garmin smart watches ??
Reminds me of the Motorola moto x. It had two chips as well. Fast processor and an efficient processor. The efficient CPU was used when the screen was off. Lock screen notifications, sensor updates, and my first device with always listenIng google assistant. I think it also did all the native language processing. Easily one of my favorite phones I ever had. Why is this not more of a thing?
Does this work well with a Pixel 8 Pro?
Laughs with a 15 day battery life on my Amazfit GT3 Pro... Also, Always on Display gets me 5 solid days with exercises in between by using GPS (6 sat position)for 30-60min.
what about huawei 2 weeks ??
It looks quite big on the wrist, as someone in a trade on the tools I'm not a fan of huge watches.
can you share a comparison grid to the Pixel and Fitbit Sense 2? Thanks.
Alrighty I'll get one for the sake of not having to buy another Fitbit.
Is the battery radioactive ☢️
What i learn from one plus is that apple and samsung overprice their tech. Very soon im looking forward to getting the one plus 12 and the watch. Cant wait. Love all of your content bro!! Definitely my favorite! Just a request, would love to see more car/truck content.
Hm my amazfit gtr has a 40 days battery life, all i need is the time, date function, timer to wake me up by vibration after 20 minutes and of course the pipboy watchface from fallout 😅 turned the other stuff off bc it's annoying...
Do people actually need smart watches? Like what's the one thing you really need this for. Genuine question. I've bought a few and I prefer to wear my old fashioned watch
I have a Huawei Watch GT4 and i literally forget to charge it for like 2 weeks.
Can you review the Forerunner 965 by Garmin?
2:19 huawei gt 3 pro battery: 2 weeks... no wonder they banned them
Been loyal to the brand for the last 6 years and gotta say their smartphones are solid.
How did you reach 177 heart rate !!! 💪🏻👌🏼
Bro doesn't knows about Huawei and Amazfit watches 😭
Wow They finally are using wearos, this watch is pretty sick. One wonders if Google can make a battery life like this
Why does everyone pass over the Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro which I have been using for 3 years and still get 6-7 days of usage with the always on display and wireless charging? It is like this watch doesn't even exist? Oh, let's not forget, constant heart monitoring as well. This watch has been memory holed.
Ive got an Huawei watch S1
I love it and the battery is still awsome. But i want the oneplus watch so bad now haha. Ive got the oneplus 11 and think its awsome phone !
Battery life is nothing compared to Garmin
love my Huawei GT3 Pro it gets me 1 week of battery life.
Is there a good apple watch alternative with iPhone compatibility?😅
I'm still not seeing how this would be a better purchase than a galaxy watch 5 pro.
oppo (oneplus) designed this hybrid from Ambiq+Snapdragon (gen<3) to BES+Snapdragon(gen>4) for latest oppo watch 4 and X series , 0neplus just leveraged this hybrid core with watch X ID and renamed to oneplus watch 2 (= oppo watch X) for overseas market with RTOS + Android hybrid, if you try to compare watch with iOS/android platform for power consume , try to bench Huawei series (GT) with Harmony OS for better battery life. Always include Huawei platform ( phone/watch ..) into benching, since its technology comes from China completely and may outperform western solutions.
How much are you using your watch, my galaxy watch 3 goes easily a week of what should be normal usage for a watch in normal power modes. I've had it for years on the original battery and have never had a single issue minus it still runs tizenOS
My $44 Yamay battery lasts for weeks.
I love how he said they had to tell him to turn off the always on display OFF to get 2 more days. Like who in the heck is sleeping with this watch on with the always on display lit up in bed? LMAO 😂
This is slightly more than Tesla key-fob and with teh Tesla software a lot more powerful, in a day I can tell you I go to the car and darn forgot my cell phone just to unlock it, yes Tesla has a Key card, but getting that out is almost as troublesome as getting my cell phone. Let me think on it, may be something that I would like, I love the tech!
If we want to talk about battery life we definitely need to take the Xiaomi Watch s3 into account. Claimed 15 days battery life blows any smart watch out of the water with pathetic 1-2 days battery.
Especially since testers have reported getting a week out of the watch even with heavy usage and always on display.
You just going to ignore the Venu 3 from garmin? I get a week minimum from a single charge in standard mode with full sleep tracking with SpO2 enabled.
I'm reading about it in Computer Act!ve magazine, but what watch faces are available please?
I would have liked to have more info in this video besides the battery life.
this vs garmin foreunner 265?
ابغى الاصدار الـ٧ جديدة ماني محصل، كلها مجددة
لوسمحت الـوايفاي مهم لخصاية تتبع الـصحة؟ ولا مايحتاج
لو سمحت انا لسه جايبه الـساعه وبتشحن ببطء يعني ٤٠٪؜ ف نص ساعه كده في مشكله فالـبطاريه ولا ايه
نسخه الـوايفاي بايش تفيد؟
هل احمل تطبيقات؟ او اقدر ارد من خلالـها على الاشعارات؟
اقدر احمل فيها سناب؟ 😢بلييييز الـلي يعرف يرد وشكراً
هل هي تشتغل على نظام اندرويت او فقط ايفون
الـيوم اشتريت الـساعة والان جيت اشوف مواصفاتها لأن اول مرة بحياتي اشتري مثل هالـساعة فلا تلوموني 😂❤
لا والـله احنا مو مثلك وما عندنا فلوس نشتري الـترا ؟
لو معايا SE2 هل اعمل upgrade
هل بالإمكان تشغيل يوتيوب في هذه الـساعة
غالـية مره وبطاريته ضعيفة مرة
هل تتوافق مع ios 15
اقدر احمل فيها يوتيوب؟
عزيزي الـكيبورد ما يكتب بالـلغة الـعربية
تدعم الـواتساب؟؟؟
انا معي ال 8 وصراحه مافي اي فرق بينهم الا الـسطوع فقط وما احتاج يكون الـسطوح ٢٠٠٠ بال ٨ الـى عندي واخليه اقل شي
ب عراقي شكد تطلع؟
طيب عندي استفسار
اذا كان جوالـي بعيد عن ساعه و انا لابسه الـساعه يمدني ادق على اي شخص ارقامه محفوظه في جوالـ
الـعيب لساعة أبل لحد الـحين هو الـبطاريه
لو ادووم الـبطاريه اقل شي ثلاث ايام مع تشغيل شريحه الاكترونيه بتكون عمليه وممتازه
يارب ارزقني بايفون ١٥ برو ماكس
الـسلام عليكم ورحمة الـله وبركاته هل ساعة ابل الإصدار الـتاسع تستقبل اتصالات عادي وهي فيها ميزة الـسيم كرت؟ للصراحة جبت ساعة جديدة الإصدار الـتاسع و مش عم تستقبل اتصالات هل من فاعل خير يساعدني لو سمحتم وشكراً ❤
ساعتي ابل الإصدار 9 ابل باي ما تعمل معي
الـحمدلله قبل يومين شريتها 👍
الـسلام عليكم هل فيها خاصيه الـتقاط الـصور وارسالـها عبر الـوتساب
هل تدعم الـطاقة الـخلوية في شركة stc بالـسعودية ضروري تدر علي اذا تكرمت
شلون افعل ميزه الـدبل تاب لان جربت وما صار معاي ارجو الـرد
ميزة الـرد بالـدبل ، موجوده في اصدار 8
ليش ابل نزلتها كميزة مختلفه في اصدار 9 ؟؟
بدي ساعة ابل 9 هدوني اياها😞😞😥😢 بعتولي إياها ع سورية
استفسار ضروري يا اخي اذا سمحت
قدامي ماك بوك اير ١٥ انش ٥١٢ جيجا ب ٦٢٥٠ ريال وماك بوك برو ١٤ بوصه m1 pro ٥١٢ جيجا بسعر ٧٢٠٠ ريال
تنصحني اشتري مين فيهم
وبرايك هل الـبرو ١٤ بوصه بمعالـج m1 pro يستحق الـشراء واحنا في نهاية ٢٠٢٣
تكفى ترد عليا وتفيدني
بارك الـله فيك اخوي عبدالـله جهد ممتاز وشرح كافي
أتا أحب ابل لكن الـساعات للاسف مافيها جديد هالـسنة
معي ساعة ابل 8 اولترا وناوي اغير اخذ الـجيل 9 حجم 45 بسبب الـحجم الـكبير للاولترا
ي أخ عبدالـله. بالـله عليك سو مقارنة بين هواوي واتش Gt4 وسامسونج واتش 6 كلاسيك لا هنت مو بس انا الـي ابي تسوي مقارنة اغلب الـناس يبغون تسوي الـمقارنة بينهم
مقارنة بين ايفون 15 برو ماكس وايفون 13 برو ماكس
ارسلي الـساعة هدية لو سمحت. ❤
الـمشكلة في ساعات ابل الـبطارية سيئه ماتكمل يوم
ماشاءالـله ----ساعه جميلة جدااااا
تسلم . شرح مميز
اول لايك وتعليق ❤
ONEPLUS Watch 2 (eSIM) Apple Watch Series 9
تكنولوجيا الشبكة GSM / HSPA / LTE
جي إس إم / HSPA / LTE
تاريخ الإعلان 2024, June 27
2023، 12 سبتمبر
بدن الجهاز
الأبعاد 47.6 × 46.6 × 12.1 مم
45 × 38 × 10.7 ملم (1.77 × 1.50 × 0.42 بوصة)
الوزن 37 g
31.9 جرام (41 ملم)، 38.7 جرام (45 ملم) (1.13 أونصة)
بطاقة SIM شريحة إلكترونية
شريحة الاتصال الإلكترونية
خصائص الجهاز الأخرى مقاومة الغبار / الماء IP68 (حتى 1.5 متر لمدة 30 دقيقة)
مقاوم للماء (5ATM )
متوافق مع الأشرطة القياسية مقاس 22 مم
معتمد من IP6X • مقاوم للماء حتى عمق 50 مترًا • معتمد من ECG (تطبيق SW يعتمد على المنطقة؛ HW متوفر في جميع الطرازات)
نوع الشاشة أموليد
1000 شمعة
Retina LTPO OLED، 2000 شمعة في المتر المربع (الذروة)
حجم الشاشة 1.43 بوصة
1.9 بوصة
دقة الشاشة 466 × 466 بكسل (~326 نقطة في البوصة )
484 × 396 بكسل (~326 كثافة بكسلات في البوصة)
خصائص الشاشة الأخرى شاشة تعمل دائما
عرض دائم
النظام الأساسي
نظام التشغيل ساعة كولور أو إس 6,0
واتش او اس 10
نوع الشريحة كوالكوم سناب دراجون W5 Gen 1 (4 نانومتر)
أبل S9
فتحة بطاقة الذاكرة لا
الذاكرة الداخلية 32 جيجا بايت 2 جيجا رام
64 جيجابايت
مكبر الصوت نعم
مقبس 3.5 ملم لا
تقنيات الإتصال
شبكة الاتصال اللاسلكية (الويفاي) واي فاي 802.11 a/b/g/n، مزدوج النطاق
واي فاي 802.11 ب/ز/ن، ثنائي النطاق
بلوتوث 5.0, A2DP, LE
5.3، A2DP، LE
NFC نعم
راديو لا
USB لا
أجهزة الاستشعار مقياس التسارع ، معدل ضربات القلب ، SpO2
مقياس التسارع، الجيروسكوب، معدل ضربات القلب، البارومتر، مقياس الارتفاع الذي يعمل دائمًا، البوصلة، SpO2، VO2max، درجة الحرارة (الجسم)
نوع البطارية 500 مللي أمبير ، غير قابلة للإزالة
ليثيوم أيون 308 مللي أمبير، غير قابلة للإزالة
الشحن 7.5W (السلكي)
لاسلكي، 0-80% في 45 دقيقة (مُعلن عنه)
ألوان الجهاز أسود, فضي
منتصف الليل، ضوء النجوم، الفضي، الوردي، الأحمر
السعر حوالي 230 يورو
399.00 دولار