فيديو OPPO Find N3 | فيديو Huawei Mate 60 RS Ultimate |
تعليقات فيديو OPPO Find N3 | تعليقات فيديو Huawei Mate 60 RS Ultimate |
من فضلك توقف عن الـتعليق الـفرق بينه وبين oneplus open ????? اسوا هاتف مطوي 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂١٧٠٠ دولار منو الـغبي الـمنافق الـلي يروح يشترون هاذي الـأجهزة جماعة كانهم مغيرين الـمعلق😢 هاتف متوحش ❤🎉❤🎉 لماذا لم تستخدمون ذكاء صناعي لاسترجاع تعليق وشسمو ......😂 ❤❤❤❤❤ هاتف جميل اعملو له مقارنة مع الـهاتف الـمطوي هونر أين الـمعلق الـسابق نطالـب رقمي بإعتماد معتصم كمعلق رسمي وعدم تغيره لان صوته جميل ومشوق راح ينزل جلكسي A74 هالـسنة ؟ اتمنى الـرد مبدع استمر بعد ما شفت اسعر ما حبيت اكمل الـفيديو واخيرا الـموسيقى الـخلفية رائعة بالـله عليك يامعتصم اعتزل الـتعليق في هذه الـقناه لحظه لحظه 🤔 هيا بنا وين تبي 🤪🤪🤪 اسف اسف اسلم اسلم 😂😂😂😂😂😂 اشكد سعره ربي يرزقنا بوحش كيما هدا 😂 جوال جبار يقفل ملف سامسونج فولد 5 ايهم افضل n3 فايند او هونر ماجيك v2 ? استمر الـورد اول مشاهد اول تعليق ستمر ضلعي ❤ |
Se nota que te gusta o pagó apple iPhone 120 Hz?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😾 Iphone 120hz ❌60hz ✅😂 Well 😂😂😂😂 it looks like my galaxy s23 is a lot better than those 2😂😂😂 no tanks За что переплачивать почти 100тыс ? Esos iphones son basuras es dinero mal imbertido...son porquerias esos celulares Bluetooth 5.2 and Bluetooth 5.3 have no differences in sound quality. So not a big deal. They both lack Bluetooth codecs anyway. Необьективно Huawei still the best mobile to use El iPhone 15 pro Max no tiene super ahorro de batería a mi tía el iPhone solo le dura 3 hora la batería. Huawei 60 pro plus beste 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Нафиг хуавей за конскую цену Все равно Хуавей лучше, крепче надёжнее работает долго и связь отличная👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 No point even to compete with Apple. Spywei is stolen tech, communist funded device to steal everything from user. The other phone is the most popular device ever and no one will ever beat it. APPLE IPHONE is the clear winner! This Huawei phone is damn expensive 😮 Friend, Huawei literally humiliated you, you practically have a PC as a phone why dont ya mention the ability to cook ur testicles of the iphone 🤣 有無衛星通話??? The two mobile phones, which represent the most cutting-edge technology of mankind, seem to be comparable. Te falto sus llamadas satélitales del huawei por si se pierde la señal Quiero ese huawei 😢 Cómo.cuando eres fan de iPhone y en los puntos que Huawei gana le pone que es empate De acá algunos años huawei al tener su propio sistema tendrá los mejores equipos y las apps estarán como loco yendo a dicho sistema , se acordarán Doctor my ASS and bias as FUCK as expected! Don’t forget to tell people about the overheating issue 😂😂😂😂 iPhone 15 Pro Max Made in India 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 Apple 15 is pure garbage wow p60 is kiling for 15pro max NearLink and satellite phone and FBI CIA free 真的好可笑,华为没有蓝牙。煞笔都知道华为用的是星闪(蓝牙+wifi)可以链接4千多。 發視屏是個印度人,真的是吐血 我就買華為手機,蘋果不考慮,你咬我啊 又一個是黑華為手機的視屏 Tambien tienes que poner que el iPhone 15 se calienta como una plancha y quema y que si el doblas un poco se Rompe 🤏💩💩 Biased. The video is apparently for Apple. Mucho favoritismo por hipon, huawei hano mate 60 RS is more beautiful Huawei is much better than iPhone now! I’m fell bored on iPhone 😤 华为的背部陶瓷材质不比苹果的差吧 Con un iPhone ,todo lo que escribes , hablas , etc , está controlado por la CIA , FBI 16 gb ram!? Iphone 15 is now a breakfast to Huawei Mate 60 RS lol, you definitely don't know what Nearlink means, Bluetooth? can't even reach half of the range or speed from Nearlink, check Freebuds Pro 3, that thing has 1.5mbps transmission rate 60👌🏻👑❤👑 هواوي احسن. ثمن مناسب Glad to see Huawei killing them despite silly sanctions. Another key feature of Mete60 is out of the tracing by FBI😂😂😂 被制裁三年 I think Mate 60 PS looks more beutiful than Iphone 15. No change for the Iphone 15 . HUAWEI neu mate hat Satellite phone funktion, which is important for Outdoor Adventure Sports! And the Huawei`NearLink, 88w charging! mate.60 RS.has.a narrower body, more suitable for business people, better camera system, longer battery, satellite phone a huge plus All high-end smartphones are equipped with 12 or 16 G RAM except iPhone. It means a lot when dealing with a lot of graphics. Features wise, iPhone holds the edge. Performance wise, not so. Overall, pretty equal. A key feature of Huawei Mate 60 RS is Sanction Beater. HUAWEI❤ IPhone has no fingerprint display. It's a joke for a self acclaimed high tech phone!!!!!!! Huawei 🔥👑 WIFI 速度很重要 Biased. The video is apparently for Apple. Hw again no 1 IF ONLY AMERICANS ARE HONEST AGAIST HUAWEI.. THEY JUST WANT TO GET RID OFF THIS RISING TECHNOLOGY NOT TO TAKE OVER APPLE!! AMERICA WILL NEVER ACCEPT DEFEAT THEY HAD TO GET RID OF IT WHILE ITS EARLY!! IPhone dogs 🐕 🖕 Huawei ✊❤️ This kind of comparison is a joke! You were biase against Huawei, I can undestand that, you from India. I am from Africa, and not biase. Huawei won it on a slim margin, the satellite communication technology is a game changer. Even Palki Sharma was not impress with iphone 15 due to no game changing technology in it. Huawei camera is No.1 You forgot to mention the heat bonus of the iphone lol Huawei 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Why don't you mention the satellite communication capacity ? ---- a key feature that Huawei holds. 华为本次主要卖点是玄武架构、昆仑玻璃、星闪、卫星通话,至于性能确实不如苹果,但华为定位高端商务人士性能足够了 Huawei mate 60 rs the best 🤍❤ Huawei 🇨🇳 HUAWEI 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Informative video thanks Huawei👑 Great video |
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